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Format Dial Gauge Dialog Box

You can use the Format Dial Gauge dialog box to format a dial gauge chart. This topic describes the options in the dialog box.

Designer displays the Format Dial Gauge dialog box when you right-click any pointer in a dial of the dial gauge chart and select Format Dial Gauge from the shortcut menu, or double-click any pointer in the dial gauge.

The dialog box contains the following tabs (Designer displays the Behaviors tab only when the chart is in a library component):

Designer displays these buttons in all the tabs:


Select to apply your settings and close the dialog box.


Select to close the dialog box without saving any changes.


Select to apply all changes and leave the dialog box open.


Select to view information about the dialog box.

Circular Graph Tab

Use this tab to specify properties for the dials in the dial gauge.

Format Dial Gauge dialog box - Circular Graph


You can specify the size of the dials in this box.

  • Angle
    Select the degree for angles of the dials. If you select "Customized", Designer displays the Customize Gauge Angle dialog box for you to customize the angle.
  • Thickness
    Specify the thickness of the dials, in pixels.
  • Hole Size
    Specify the relative size of a dial in a percentage of total dial size.
  • Start Style
    Select the style for the start graph of the dials: square, round, or long round.
  • End Style
    Select the style for the end graph of the dials: square, round, or long round.


You can specify properties for the border of the dials in this box.

  • Color
    Specify the color of the border. To edit the color, select the color indicator and select a color from the color palette, or type the hexadecimal value of a color (for example, 0xff0000) in the text box.
  • Line Style
    Select the line style of the border.
  • Transparency
    Specify the transparency of the border.
  • Thickness
    Specify the width of the border, in pixels.
  • End Caps
    Select the ending style of the border.
    • butt
      Select to end unclosed subpaths and dash segments with no added decoration.
    • round
      Select to end unclosed subpaths and dash segments with a round decoration that has a radius equal to half of the line width.
    • square
      Select to end unclosed subpaths and dash segments with a square projection that extends beyond the end of the segment to a distance equal to half of the line width.
  • Line Joint
    Select the joint style of the border.
    • miter
      Select to join path segments by extending their outside edges until they meet.
    • round
      Select to join path segments by rounding off the corner at a radius of half the line width.
    • bevel
      Select to join path segments by connecting the outer corners of their wide outlines with a straight segment.

Show Range Name

Select to show the names of the ranges that you define in the Range Color tab in the dials. Designer enables the Font and Effects boxes in this tab after you select this option.


You can specify the font style of the text in the range names in this box.

  • Font list
    This drop-down list contains all the font faces you can select to apply to the text.
  • Font Size
    Specify the font size of the text.
  • Font Color
    Specify the font color of the text. To edit the color, select the color indicator and select a color from the color palette, or type the hexadecimal value of a color (for example, 0xff0000) in the text box.
  • Transparency
    Specify the transparency of the text.
  • Rotation
    Specify the rotation angle of the text around its center, in degrees. The default value is 0.
  • Shearing
    Specify the gradient of the text.


You can specify the special effects of the text in the range names in this box.

  • Style
    Select the font style of the text. It can be one of the following: plain, bold, italic, and bold italic.
  • Strikethrough
    Select the style of the horizontal line using which to strikethrough the text. It can be one of the following: none, thin line, bold line, and double lines.
  • Underline
    Select the style of the horizontal line under the text. It can be one of the following: none, single, single lower, bold line, bold lower, double lines, bold double, patterned line, and bold patterned. When you select "patterned line" or "bold patterned", Designer draws a line or bold line in the pattern of the text.
  • Note icon Web Report Studio and JDashboard do not support underlining chart text, therefore, this property is ignored when the chart runs in Web Report Studio or is used in a dashboard.

  • Superscript
    Select to raise the text above the baseline and change the text to a smaller font size, if a smaller size is available.
  • Subscript
    Select to lower the text below the baseline and change the text to a smaller font size, if a smaller size is available.
  • Embossed
    Select to make the text appear to be raised off the page in relief.
  • Engraved
    Select to make the text appear to be imprinted or pressed into the page.
  • Outlined
    Select to display the exterior border around each character of the text.
  • Shadowed
    Select to add a shadow beneath and to the right of the text.


This box displays a preview sample based on your selections.

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Axis Tab

Designer displays the following subtabs in the Axis tab:

Axis Subtab

Use this subtab to specify properties of the axis in the dial gauge.

Format Dial Gauge dialog box - Axis - Axis tab

Show Axis

Select to show the axis in the dial gauge.


You can specify the position relationship of the axis and the dials in this box.

  • Inside
    Select to display the axis inside the dials.
  • Outside
    Select to display the axis outside the dials.
  • Center
    Select to display the axis in the center of the dials.


You can specify the values to display on the axis in this box.

  • Minimum Value
    Specify the minimum value to display on the axis. You can select Formula button to use a formula to control the value.
  • Maximum Value
    Specify the maximum value to display on the axis. You can select Formula button to use a formula to control the value.


You can specify properties of the axis line in this box.

  • Color
    Specify the color of the line. To edit the color, select the color indicator and select a color from the color palette, or type the hexadecimal value of a color (for example, 0xff0000) in the text box.
  • Style
    Select the style of the line.
  • Transparency
    Specify the transparency of the line.
  • Thickness
    Specify the thickness of the line.
  • Use Range Color
    Select to use the color schemas that you define for the ranges in the Range Color tab for the line.


  • Circular Axis Gap
    Specify the gap between the axis and the dial if the axis displays inside or outside the dials.

Tick Mark Subtab

Use this subtab to specify properties of the tick marks on the axis.

Format Dial Gauge dialog box - Axis - Tick Mark


You can specify the position relationship of the axis and the tick marks in this box.

  • None
    Select if you do not want to display tick marks on the axis. It is meaningless to specify all the other tick mark properties if you select this type.
  • Top
    Select to display the tick marks on the top of the axis.
  • Bottom
    Select to display the tick marks on the bottom of the axis.
  • Center
    Select to display the tick marks in the center of the axis.

Major Tick Mark Line

You can specify line properties of the major tick marks in this box.

  • Correlate with Axis
    Select to apply the line properties that you define for the axis in the Axis subtab to the major tick marks. When you clear this option, you can specify the line properties for the major tick marks separately using the following options:
    • Color
      Specify the color of the major tick mark line. Designer disables this option when you select Use Range Color in the Axis subtab.

      To edit the color, select the color indicator and select a color from the color palette, or type the hexadecimal value of a color (for example, 0xff0000) in the text box.

    • Style
      Select the style of the major tick mark line.
    • Transparency
      Specify the transparency of the major tick mark line. Designer disables this option when you select Use Range Color in the Axis subtab.
    • Thickness
      Specify the thickness of the major tick mark line.
  • Increment
    Specify the distance between two adjacent major tick marks on the axis.
  • Number of Tick Marks 
    Specify how many major tick marks you want to display on the axis.
  • Tick Mark Length 
    Specify the length of the major tick mark line.

Minor Tick Mark Line

You can specify line properties of the minor tick marks in this box.

  • Correlate with Axis
    Select to apply the line properties that you define for the axis in the Axis subtab to the minor tick marks. When you clear this option, you can specify the line properties for the minor tick marks separately using the following options:
    • Color
      Specify the color of the minor tick mark line. Designer disables this option when you select Use Range Color in the Axis subtab.

      To edit the color, select the color indicator and select a color from the color palette, or type the hexadecimal value of a color (for example, 0xff0000) in the text box.

    • Style
      Select the style of the minor tick mark line.
    • Transparency
      Specify the transparency of the minor tick mark line. Designer disables this option when you select Use Range Color in the Axis subtab.
    • Thickness
      Specify the thickness of the minor tick mark line.
  • Increment
    Specify the distance between two adjacent minor tick marks on the axis.
  • Number of Tick Marks
    Specify how many minor tick marks you want to display on the axis.
  • Tick Mark Length
    Specify the length of the minor tick mark line.


This box displays a preview sample based on your selections.

Label Subtab

Use this subtab to specify properties of the major tick mark labels.

Format Dial Gauge dialog box - Axis - Label


You can specify in which manner to display the major tick mark labels in this box.

  • None
    Select if you do not want to display labels for the major tick marks.
  • Normal
    Select it and you can specify how to display the labels using the following options:
    • Label Every N Major Tick Marks
      Specify the frequency at which to label the major tick marks.
    • Number of Major Labels
      Specify how many major tick mark labels you want to display on the axis.
      • Auto
        Select to display all the major tick mark labels.
      • Fixed
        Select it and you can specify the number of the major tick mark labels you want to display on the axis.
  • Range Value
    Select to show the range values that you define in the Range Color tab as the labels.
  • Min and Max Values
    Select to show the minimum value and maximum value that you define in the Axis subtab as the labels.


You can specify the gap properties for the major tick mark labels in this box.

  • Label Axis Gap 
    Specify the distance between the labels and the axis, in pixels.
  • Best Effect
    Select to adjust the labels automatically to place them in the best position. When you select this option, Designer hides some labels if they overlap.


You can specify the font style of the text in the major tick mark labels in this box.

  • Font list
    This drop-down list contains all the font faces you can select to apply to the text.
  • Font Size
    Specify the font size of the text.
  • Font Color
    Specify the font color of the text. To edit the color, select the color indicator and select a color from the color palette, or type the hexadecimal value of a color (for example, 0xff0000) in the text box.
  • Transparency
    Specify the transparency of the text.
  • Rotation
    Specify the rotation angle of the text around its center, in degrees. The default value is 0.
  • Shearing
    Specify the gradient of the text.

Note icon Designer disables the Font Color and Transparency options if you select Use Range Color in the Axis subtab.


You can specify the special effects of the text in the major tick mark labels in this box.

  • Style
    Select the font style of the text. It can be one of the following: plain, bold, italic, and bold italic.
  • Strikethrough
    Select the style of the horizontal line using which to strikethrough the text. It can be one of the following: none, thin line, bold line, and double lines.
  • Underline
    Select the style of the horizontal line under the text. It can be one of the following: none, single, single lower, bold line, bold lower, double lines, bold double, patterned line, and bold patterned. When you select "patterned line" or "bold patterned", Designer draws a line or bold line in the pattern of the text.
  • Note icon Web Report Studio and JDashboard do not support underlining chart text, therefore, this property is ignored when the chart runs in Web Report Studio or is used in a dashboard.

  • Superscript
    Select to raise the text above the baseline and change the text to a smaller font size, if a smaller size is available.
  • Subscript
    Select to lower the text below the baseline and change the text to a smaller font size, if a smaller size is available.
  • Embossed
    Select to make the text appear to be raised off the page in relief.
  • Engraved
    Select to make the text appear to be imprinted or pressed into the page.
  • Outlined
    Select to display the exterior border around each character of the text.
  • Shadowed
    Select to add a shadow beneath and to the right of the text.


This box displays a preview sample based on your selections.

Format Subtab

Use this subtab to specify the data format of the major tick mark labels.

Format Dial Gauge dialog box - Axis - Format

Category & Format

These two boxes list the category types and the formats of each category that Designer provides by default. Select a category and a format for this category, then select Add to add it as the format of the category. You can add only one format for each category.


This text box shows the properties of the format that you select in the Format box. If the default formats Designer provides for a category cannot meet your requirement, you can define your own format in the text box and select Add to add it as the format of the category.

Auto Scale in Number

Specify whether to automatically scale the Number values that fall into the two ranges:

  • When 1000 <= value < 10^15, Designer applies the following quantity unit symbols of the International System of Units to scale the values: K (10^3), M (10^6), G (10^9), and T (10^12).
  • When 0 < value < 0.001 or value >= 10^15, Designer uses scientific notation to scale the values.

By default, Designer selects "auto" for the option, meaning, Designer applies the setting that you specify for the same property on the chart in the Report Inspector for the values. If you select "true", Designer applies the specified format to the integer part of the values after scaling them; however, if the specified format conflicts with the logic of Auto Scale in Number, for example, the values display in percentage, Designer ignores the Auto Scale in Number setting. Select "false" if you do not want to scale the values.


This box displays a sample for the selected format.


This box lists all the formats that you select from different categories.


Select to add a format to the Stack box.


Select to remove the specified format from the Stack box.


Select to apply the specified format to the major tick mark labels.

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Pointer Tab

Use this tab to specify properties of the pointers in the dial gauge.

Format Dial Gauge dialog box - Pointer

Pointer Style

You can specify the style of the pointers in this box.

  • Arrow
    Select to use arrow for the pointers.
    • Value Pointer
      Select the style of the arrow. You can select "Customized" from the drop-down list to specify an image as the pointer.
    • Width
      Specify the width of the arrow.
    • Height
      Specify the height of the arrow.
  • Mark
    Select to use mark for the pointers.
    • Value Pointer
      Select the style of the mark. You can select "Customized" from the drop-down list to specify an image as the pointer.
    • Width
      Specify the width of the mark.
    • Height
      Specify the height of the mark.
    • Position
      Select the position of the pointers relative to the dials: top, bottom, or center.
    • Gap
      Specify the distance between the pointers and the dials, in pixels.
  • Style List
    Select to open the Style List dialog box to specify the style for pointers in the same data series respectively.

Pointer Color

You can specify the color pattern of the pointers in this box.

  • Color
    Specify the color of the pointers. To edit the color, select the color indicator and select a color from the color palette, or type the hexadecimal value of a color (for example, 0xff0000) in the text box.
  • Color List
    Select to open the Color List dialog box to modify the color pattern for pointers in the same data series respectively.
  • Transparency
    Specify the transparency of the pointers.
  • Self Settings
    Select to apply the color pattern to the pointers themselves. When this option is cleared, Designer synchronizes the color pattern that you specify here with the Pattern List property of the chart in the Report Inspector, which data markers of other subtypes can also apply if the chart is a combo chart.
  • Use Range Color
    Select to use the colors that you define for the ranges in the Range Color tab for the pointers.

Pointer Value

You can specify properties of the pointer values in this box.

  • Show Pointer Value
    Select to show values for the pointers.
  • Position
    Select the position of the values relative to pointers: top, bottom, center, on pointer, or customized. If you select "customized", you can customize the position by dragging any pointer value in the design area.

Pointer Border

You can specify properties for the border of the pointers in this box.

  • Show Pointer Border
    Select to show the border of the pointers.
  • Color
    Specify the color of the border. To edit the color, select the color indicator and select a color from the color palette, or type the hexadecimal value of a color (for example, 0xff0000) in the text box.
  • Line Style
    Select the line style of the border.
  • Transparency
    Specify the transparency of the border.
  • Thickness
    Specify the width of the border, in pixels.


This box displays a preview sample based on your selections.

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Target Tab

Use this tab to specify properties of the target in the dial gauge.

Format Dial Gauge dialog box - Target

Use Target Value

Select to use target value for the dial gauge.

  • Target Value
    Specify the target value. You can select Formula button to use a formula to control the value.

Pointer Style

You can specify the pointer style for the target value in this box.

  • Target Pointer
    Select the style of the target pointer. You can select "Customized" from the drop-down list to specify an image as the target pointer.
  • Width
    Specify the width of the target pointer.
  • Height
    Specify the height of the target pointer.
  • Position
    Select the position of the target pointer relative to the dials: top, bottom, or center.
  • Gap
    Specify the distance between the target pointer and the dials.

Pointer Color

You can specify the color pattern of the target pointer in this box.

  • Color
    Specify the color of the target pointer. To edit the color, select the color indicator and select a color from the color palette, or type the hexadecimal value of a color (for example, 0xff0000) in the text box.
  • Transparency
    Specify the transparency of the target pointer.

Target Value

You can specify properties of the target value in this box.

  • Show Target Value
    Select to show the target value on the dial gauge.
  • Position
    Select the position of the target value relative to the dials: top, bottom, center, on pointer, or customized. If you select "customized", you can customize the position by dragging the target value in the design area.


This box displays a preview sample based on your selections.

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Frame Tab

Use this tab to specify properties for the frame of the dial gauge.

Format Dial Gauge dialog box - Frame


You can specify the frame size in this box.

  • Frame Size
    Specify the size of the frame.


You can specify the fill pattern of the frame in this box.

  • Fill
    Specify the fill pattern of the frame. To edit the fill pattern, select the color indicator and specify a color or effect using the color palette. You can also type the hexadecimal value of a color (for example, 0xff0000) in the text box.
  • Transparency
    Specify the transparency of the fill pattern.


You can specify properties for the border of the frame in this box.

  • Border Type
    Select the type of the border.
    • none
      Select if you do not want to show the border.
    • raised
      Select to show 3-D border that appears as if it is raised off the page.
    • recess
      Select to show 3-D border that appears as if it is pressed into the page.
    • shadow
      Select to show two shadowed borders, beneath and to the right of the object.
    • solid
      Select to use single-line border.
  • Color
    Specify the color of the border. To edit the color, select the color indicator and select a color from the color palette, or type the hexadecimal value of a color (for example, 0xff0000) in the text box.
  • Line Style
    Select the line style of the border.
  • Transparency
    Specify the transparency of the border.
  • Thickness
    Specify the width of the border, in pixels.
  • End Caps
    Select the ending style of the border.
    • butt
      Select to end unclosed subpaths and dash segments with no added decoration.
    • round
      Select to end unclosed subpaths and dash segments with a round decoration that has a radius equal to half of the line width.
    • square
      Select to end unclosed subpaths and dash segments with a square projection that extends beyond the end of the segment to a distance equal to half of the line width.
  • Line Joint
    Select the joint style of the border.
    • miter
      Select to join path segments by extending their outside edges until they meet.
    • round
      Select to join path segments by rounding off the corner at a radius of half the line width.
    • bevel
      Select to join path segments by connecting the outer corners of their wide outlines with a straight segment.
  • Path
    Specify the fill pattern of the border.
    • Outline Path
      Select to use outline path for the border.
    • Fill Path
      Select to use whole path for the border.
  • Dash
    Specify the dash size of the border if you select a dash line style for the border.
    • Auto Adjust Dash
      Select to adjust the dash size automatically.
    • Fixed Dash Size
      Select to use fixed dash size.

Gauge Group Name

You can specify options for the gauge group names in this box.

  • Show Gauge Group Name
    Select to show names for the arcs in the dial gauge which are values of the field on the category axis. If the dial gauge contains no category field, the group name shows "Report" by default.
  • Position
    Select the position of the names relative to the dials: top, bottom, center, or customized. If you select "customized", you can customize the position by dragging any name in the design area.


This box displays a preview sample based on your selections.

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Range Color Tab

Use this tab to specify the value ranges for the dial gauge and the color and name of each range.

Format Dial Gauge dialog box - Range Color

Add button Add button

Select to add a new range.

Trash Can button Remove button

Select to delete the specified range.


This column shows the minimum values that you specify for the ranges.


This column shows the maximum values that you specify for the ranges.


This column shows the colors that you specify for the ranges. To edit the color, select in the cell and customize the color in the color palette.


This column shows the names that you specify for the ranges.


You can specify the properties for values that do not fall into any of the ranges you define in this box.

  • Name
    Specify the name for the values.
  • Color
    Specify the color for the values. To edit the color, select the color indicator and select a color from the color palette, or type the hexadecimal value of a color (for example, 0xff0000) in the text box.

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Hint Tab

Use this tab to specify properties for the hint of the dial gauge.

Format Dial Gauge dialog box - Hint

Show Category and Series

Select to include the category and series values in the hint.

Auto Scale in Number

Specify whether to automatically scale the Number values in the hint that fall into the two ranges:

  • When 1000 <= value < 10^15, Designer applies the following quantity unit symbols of the International System of Units to scale the values: K (10^3), M (10^6), G (10^9), and T (10^12).
  • When 0 < value < 0.001 or value >= 10^15, Designer uses scientific notation to scale the values.

By default, Designer selects "auto" for the option, meaning, Designer applies the setting that you specify for the same property on the chart in the Report Inspector for the values. If you select "true", Designer applies the specified format to the integer part of the values after scaling them; however, if the specified format conflicts with the logic of Auto Scale in Number, for example, the values display in percentage, Designer ignores the Auto Scale in Number setting. Select "false" if you do not want to scale the values.

Customize Chart Value Names

Select to customize the names of the fields on the value axis which you want to display in the hint. By default, Designer applies the display names of the fields in the hint to label the values which may be not intuitive to users. You can select the option and select the ellipsis Ellipsis button to customize the names in the Customize Chart Value Names dialog box to help users better understand the values.

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Behaviors Tab

Designer displays the Behaviors tab only when the dial gauge chart is in a library component. You can use it to specify web behaviors to the dial gauge.

Format Dial Gauge dialog box - Behaviors

Add button Add button

Select to add a new web behavior line.

Trash Can button Remove button

Select to delete the specified web behavior.

Move Up button Move Up button

Select to move the specified web behavior higher in the list. At runtime, when an event bound with more than one action happens, JDashboard triggers the upper action first.

Move Down button Move Down button

Select to move the specified web behavior lower in the list.


This column shows the events that you select to trigger the web actions.


This column shows the web actions that you specify for the events to trigger. Select the ellipsis Ellipsis button in each cell to bind the web action using the Web Action List dialog box.

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