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Chart Properties

This topic describes the properties of a Chart object.

Designer provides some properties only when you use the object in certain report types. You can get details from the Available For column in the property table.

Property Name Available For Description
Class Type Query Page Report Shows the class type of the object. Read only.
Data Inherit Page Report, Web Report, Library Component Shows whether the object inherits dataset from another object. Read only.
Dataset Query Page Report Shows the dataset the object applies. Read only.
Instance Name Query Page Report Shows the instance name of the object. Read only.
Height Page Report, Web Report, Library Component Specifies the height of the object. Type a numeric value to change the height.

Data type: Float

Width Page Report, Web Report, Library Component Specifies the width of the object. Type a numeric value to change the width.

Data type: Float

X Page Report, Web Report, Library Component Specifies the horizontal coordinate of the object's top left corner, relative to its parent container, when the object is not in static position in the container. Type a numeric value to change the coordinate.

Data type: Float

Y Page Report, Web Report, Library Component Specifies the vertical coordinate of the object's top left corner, relative to its parent container, when the object is not in static position in the container. Type a numeric value to change the coordinate.

Data type: Float

Class Page Report, Web Report, Library Component Specifies the name of the Class Selector to apply to the object, which you define in the CSS file of the style the report applies.

For example, if you define the CSS file as follows:

@charset "GBK";
TextField {Background: #ff0000}
TextField[Style="LabelX"]{Background: #0000FF}
TextField#W{Background: #FFFF00}
TextField.C{Background: #00FFFF}

To apply the Class Selector in the file to the object, type C in the value cell.

Data type: String

Style Page Report, Web Report, Library Component Specifies the style you want to apply to the object. You can specify the style in two ways:
  • Type the style which should be an Attribute Selector whose attribute is "style" in the CSS file of the style the report applies. For example, to apply the style in the preceding sample CSS file to the object, type LabelX in the value cell.
  • Choose a style from the drop-down list when you have specified the Style Group property for the report tab or web report, and there are styles in the style group that are applicable to the object.

Data type: String

Alternate Text Page Report, Web Report, Library Component Specifies the text you want to show when the chart cannot display in the HTML output, if you export the chart to HTML as an image chart.

Data type: String

Auto Scale in Number Page Report, Web Report, Library Component Specifies whether to automatically scale the Number values in the object that fall into the two ranges:
  • When 1000 <= value < 10^15, Designer applies the following quantity unit symbols of the International System of Units to scale the values: K (10^3), M (10^6), G (10^9), and T (10^12).
  • When 0 < value < 0.001 or value >= 10^15, Designer uses scientific notation to scale the values.

Data type: Boolean

Cache Query Page Report Specifies whether to cache the dataset for this object in the data buffer, so that other objects using the same dataset can share the data rather than perform their own SQL query.

Data type: Boolean

Default for Filter Page Report, Web Report Specifies whether to display the object as the default data component in the Apply To drop-down list of the Filter dialog box at runtime.

Data type: Boolean

Note icon In the same report, you can only set one data component's Default for Filter property to "true".

Export to Excel Page Report, Web Report, Library Component Specifies whether to include the object in the Excel output.

Data type: Boolean

Export to HTML Page Report, Web Report, Library Component Specifies whether to include the object in the HTML output.

Data type: Boolean

Export to PDF Page Report, Web Report, Library Component Specifies whether to include the object in the PDF output.

Data type: Boolean

Export to PostScript Page Report, Web Report, Library Component Specifies whether to include the object in the PostScript output.

Data type: Boolean

Export to Report Result Page Report, Web Report, Library Component Specifies whether to include the object when you preview the report in the Page Report Result format for a page report or Web Report Result for a web report in Designer, and when users run the report in the same format or use the library component at runtime.

Data type: Boolean

Export to RTF Page Report, Web Report, Library Component Specifies whether to include the object in the RTF output.

Data type: Boolean

Go to Detail Query Page Report Designer displays this property when the object is in the group header/footer panel of a banded object. You can use it to specify whether to show the detail information about the group when users select the object in Page Report Studio. See Obtaining the Group Details in a Banded Object.

Data type: Boolean

Invisible Page Report, Web Report, Library Component Specifies whether to hide the object in the design area and in the report. Logi Report Engine performs all calculations that involve the object regardless of whether the object is visible or not.

Data type: Boolean

Invisible for Filter Dialogs Page Report, Web Report Specifies whether to display the object in the Apply To drop-down list of the Filter dialog box at runtime. Designer disables this property when you set Default for Filter of the object to "true".

Data type: Boolean

Logic Column Page Report, Web Report, Library Component Designer displays this property when the object is in a table. You can use it to specify whether to show the object in the next visible table cell in the same row when the column that holds the object is hidden. Choose an option from the drop-down list.

Data type: Enumeration 

Note icon

  • The next visible table cell should be completely empty, that is, the cell should not hold any content including blank space.
  • When you set this property for several objects in the same row to "next visible column", and the columns holding these objects are all hidden, only the object in the rightmost column shows in the next visible cell.
Position Page Report, Web Report, Library Component Designer enables this property when the object is in a flow layout container, such as the report body or a tabular cell, text box, or KPI. You can use it to specify the position of the object in the container. Choose an option from the drop-down list.

Data type: Enumeration

Suppress Page Report, Web Report, Library Component Specifies whether to suppress the object in the design area and in the report. If you suppress an object, Logi Report Engine skips all formulas and calculations that involve the object. This property has higher priority over Invisible.

Data type: Boolean

Suppress When No Records Page Report, Web Report, Library Component Specifies whether to suppress the object in the report when no record is returned to its parent data component.

Data type: Boolean

Column Index Page Report, Web Report Specifies the X coordinate of the object relative to its parent container in the Excel output, measured in cells.

Data type: Integer

Note icon This property takes effect when you set the page report tab or web report's Columned property to "true" and the object's Position property is not "static".

Column Number Page Report, Web Report Specifies the number of columns to determine the width of the object in the Excel output. Type an integer value to change the number.

Data type: Integer

Note icon This property takes effect when you set the page report tab or web report's Columned property to "true".

Row Index Page Report, Web Report Specifies the Y coordinate of the object relative to its parent container in the Excel output, measured in cells.

Data type: Integer

Note icon This property takes effect when you set the page report tab or web report's Columned property to "true" and the object's Position property is not "static".

Row Number Page Report, Web Report Specifies the number of rows to determine the height of the object in the Excel output. Type an integer value to change the number.

Data type: Integer

Note icon This property takes effect when you set the page report tab or web report's Columned property to "true".

Anchor Display Value Page Report, Web Report Specifies the text you want to display as the object's TOC entry label, when you set the object's TOC Anchor property to "true".

Data type: String

TOC Anchor Page Report, Web Report Specifies whether to include the object in the TOC of the report.

Data type: Boolean

Platform (not available to organization chart)
Anti-aliasing Page Report, Web Report, Library Component Specifies whether to smooth out edges of the chart.

Data type: Boolean

Minimum Tick Mark Space Page Report, Web Report, Library Component Specifies the minimum space between two adjacent tick marks on the category axis of the chart. Type a numeric value to change the space.

Data type: Float

Pattern List Page Report, Web Report, Library Component Specifies the color pattern of the data markers in the same data series in the chart. Select Ellipsis button in the value cell to edit the pattern in the Color List dialog box.

Data type: String

Note icon For a heat map, this property takes effect only when the heat map applies single color pattern and uses groups as the color-by fields.

Show Legend Page Report, Web Report, Library Component Specifies whether to display the chart legend.

Data type: Boolean

Designer displays the following platform properties for a heat map, and they take effect when the heat map has only a summary as the color-by field.
Color When Null Page Report, Web Report, Library Component Specifies the color you want to apply to the null value in the heat map. Choose a color from the drop-down list, or select Custom to customize a color in the Pick a Color dialog box. You can also type a hexadecimal RGB value (for example, 0xff0000) to specify a color.

Data Type: String

Color When Zero Page Report, Web Report, Library Component Specifies the color you want to apply to the zero value in the heat map. Choose a color from the drop-down list, or select Custom to customize a color in the Pick a Color dialog box. You can also type a hexadecimal RGB value (for example, 0xff0000) to specify a color.

Data Type: String

Note icon This property takes effect when you set the heat map's Using Color When Zero property to "true".

End Color Page Report, Web Report, Library Component Specifies the ending color of the gradient you want to apply to the heat map. Choose a color from the drop-down list, or select Custom to customize a color in the Pick a Color dialog box. You can also type a hexadecimal RGB value (for example, 0xff0000) to specify a color.

Data type: String

Reverse Page Report, Web Report, Library Component Specifies whether to reverse the starting color and ending color of the gradient you specify for the heat map.

Data type: Boolean

Start Color Page Report, Web Report, Library Component Specifies the starting color of the gradient you want to apply to the heat map. Choose a color from the drop-down list, or select Custom to customize a color in the Pick a Color dialog box. You can also type a hexadecimal RGB value (for example, 0xff0000) to specify a color.

Data type: String

Using Color When Zero Page Report, Web Report, Library Component Specifies whether to apply the color you specify via Color When Zero to the zero value in the heat map. When you set this property to "true", if the minimum value in the heat map is less than 0, the gradient starts from the starting color to the zero value color, and then from the zero value color to the ending color.

Data type: Boolean

Background (for customizing fill pattern of the platform)
Border Color Page Report, Web Report, Library Component Specifies the color for the border of the element. Choose a color from the drop-down list, or select Custom to customize a color in the Pick a Color dialog box. You can also type a hexadecimal RGB value (for example, 0xff0000) to specify a color.

Data type: String

Border End Caps Page Report, Web Report, Library Component Specifies the ending style for the border of the element. Choose an option from the drop-down list.
  • butt
    Select to end unclosed subpaths and dash segments with no added decoration.
  • round
    Select to end unclosed subpaths and dash segments with a round decoration that has a radius equal to half of the line width.
  • square
    Select to end unclosed subpaths and dash segments with a square projection that extends beyond the end of the segment to a distance equal to half of the line width.

Data type: Enumeration

Border Joint Page Report, Web Report, Library Component Specifies the joint style for the border of the element. Choose an option from the drop-down list.
  • miter
    Select to join path segments by extending their outside edges until they meet.
  • round
    Select to join path segments by rounding off the corner at a radius of half the line width.
  • bevel
    Select to join path segments by connecting the outer corners of their wide outlines with a straight segment.
  • joint round
    Select to join path segments by rounding off the corner at the specified radius.

Data type: Enumeration

Border Outlined Page Report, Web Report, Library Component Specifies whether to use outline path for the border of the element. Default is to apply fill path.

Data type: Boolean

Border Style Page Report, Web Report, Library Component Specifies the line style for the border of the element. Choose an option from the drop-down list.

Data type: Enumeration

Border Thickness Page Report, Web Report, Library Component Specifies the width for the border of the element. Type a numeric value to change the thickness.

Data type: Float

Border Transparency Page Report, Web Report, Library Component Specifies the transparency for the border of the element, in percent. Type a numeric value to change the transparency.

Data type: Integer

Border Type Page Report, Web Report, Library Component Specifies the type for the border of the element.
  • none
    Select if you do not want to show the border.
  • raised
    Select to show 3-D border that appears as if it is raised off the page.
  • recess
    Select to show 3-D border that appears as if it is pressed into the page.
  • shadow
    Select to show two shadowed borders, beneath and to the right of the object.
  • solid
    Select to use single-line border.

Data type: Enumeration

Border Variable Dash Page Report, Web Report, Library Component Specifies whether to resize the dash automatically when you select a dash line style for Border Style. Default is to apply fixed dash size.

Data type: Boolean

Color Page Report, Web Report, Library Component Specifies the color to fill the element, when you set Fill Type of the element to "color". Choose a color from the drop-down list, or select Custom to customize a color in the Pick a Color dialog box. You can also type a hexadecimal RGB value (for example, 0xff0000) to specify a color.

Data type: String

Fill Transparency Page Report, Web Report, Library Component Specifies the transparency for the fill pattern of the element, in percent. Type a numeric value to change the transparency.

Data type: Integer

Fill Type Page Report, Web Report, Library Component Specifies how you want to fill the element, by color, texture, gradient, or image, or not to fill it. Choose an option from the drop-down list.

Data type: Enumeration

Gradient End Color Page Report, Web Report, Library Component Specifies the ending color of the gradient, when you set Fill Type of the element to "gradient". Choose a color from the drop-down list, or select Custom to customize a color in the Pick a Color dialog box. You can also type a hexadecimal RGB value (for example, 0xff0000) to specify a color.

Data type: String

Gradient End X Page Report, Web Report, Library Component Specifies the horizontal position where the gradient ends when you set Fill Type of the element to "gradient", measured in a percentage of the element's width or the width of the inset in the element if you define an inset, from the left edge of the element or inset.

Data type: Integer

Gradient End Y Page Report, Web Report, Library Component Specifies the vertical position where the gradient ends when you set Fill Type of the element to "gradient", measured in a percentage of the element's height or the height of the inset in the element if you define an inset, from the bottom edge of the element or inset.

Data type: Integer

Gradient Start Color Page Report, Web Report, Library Component Specifies the starting color of the gradient, when you set Fill Type of the element to "gradient". Choose a color from the drop-down list, or select Custom to customize a color in the Pick a Color dialog box. You can also type a hexadecimal RGB value (for example, 0xff0000) to specify a color.

Data type: String

Gradient Start X Page Report, Web Report, Library Component Specifies the horizontal position where the gradient begins when you set Fill Type of the element to "gradient", measured in a percentage of the element's width or the width of the inset in the element if you define an inset, from the left edge of the element or inset.

Data type: Integer

Gradient Start Y Page Report, Web Report, Library Component Specifies the vertical position where the gradient begins when you set Fill Type of the element to "gradient", measured in a percentage of the element's height or the height of the inset in the element if you define an inset, from the bottom edge of the element or inset.

Data type: Integer

Gradient Style Page Report, Web Report, Library Component Specifies the style of the gradient to fill the element, when you set Fill Type of the element to "gradient". Choose an option from the drop-down list.

Data type: Enumeration

Image File Page Report, Web Report, Library Component Specifies the file name of the image, a portion of which you want to use to fill the element, when you set Fill Type of the element to "image". Type the file name with suffix in the value cell. If the image is outside the current catalog, you should include the full path of the image correctly.

Data type: String

Image Height Page Report, Web Report, Library Component You can use the four properties, Image Height, Image Width, Image X, and Image Y, to define a portion of an image (the portion is a rectangle) to fill the element, when you set Fill Type of the element to "image".

Image Height specifies the height of the portion, measured in a percentage of the image's height.

Data type: Integer

Image Layout Page Report, Web Report, Library Component Specifies the layout of the image portion to fill the element, when you set Fill Type of the element to "image". Choose an option from the drop-down list.
  • tile
    Select to repeat the image portion to fill the element.
  • center
    Select to display the image portion in the center of the element.
  • scaled
    Select to stretch the image portion to cover the entire element.

Data type: Enumeration

Image Width Page Report, Web Report, Library Component You can use the four properties, Image Height, Image Width, Image X, and Image Y, to define a portion of an image (the portion is a rectangle) to fill the element, when you set Fill Type of the element to "image".

Image Width specifies the width of the portion, measured in a percentage of the image's width.

Data type: Integer

Image X Page Report, Web Report, Library Component You can use the four properties, Image Height, Image Width, Image X, and Image Y, to define a portion of an image (the portion is a rectangle) to fill the element, when you set Fill Type of the element to "image".

Image X specifies the left position of the portion, measured in a percentage of the image's width, from the left edge of the image.

Data type: Integer

Image Y Page Report, Web Report, Library Component You can use the four properties, Image Height, Image Width, Image X, and Image Y, to define a portion of an image (the portion is a rectangle) to fill the element, when you set Fill Type of the element to "image".

Image Y specifies the top position of the portion, measured in a percentage of the image's height, from the bottom edge of the image.

Data type: Integer

Inset Bottom Page Report, Web Report, Library Component You can use the four properties, Inset Bottom, Inset Left, Inset Right, and Inset Top, to define an inset in the element and fill the inset instead of the entire element.

Inset Bottom specifies the bottom position of the inset, measured in a percentage of the element's height, from the bottom edge of the element.

Data type: Float

Inset Left Page Report, Web Report, Library Component You can use the four properties, Inset Bottom, Inset Left, Inset Right, and Inset Top, to define an inset in the element and fill the inset instead of the entire element.

Inset Left specifies the left position of the inset, measured in a percentage of the element's width, from the left edge of the element.

Data type: Float

Inset Right Page Report, Web Report, Library Component You can use the four properties, Inset Bottom, Inset Left, Inset Right, and Inset Top, to define an inset in the element and fill the inset instead of the entire element.

Inset Right specifies the right position of the inset, measured in a percentage of the element's width, from the right edge of the element.

Data type: Float

Inset Top Page Report, Web Report, Library Component You can use the four properties, Inset Bottom, Inset Left, Inset Right, and Inset Top, to define an inset in the element and fill the inset instead of the entire element.

Inset Top specifies the top position of the inset, measured in a percentage of the element's height, from the top edge of the element.

Data type: Float

Radius Page Report, Web Report, Library Component Specifies the radius for the joint of the platform border, when you set Border Joint to "joint round". Type a numeric value to change the radius.

Data type: Float

Texture Background Color Page Report, Web Report, Library Component Specifies the background color of the texture, when you set Fill Type of the element to "texture". Choose a color from the drop-down list, or select Custom to customize a color in the Pick a Color dialog box. You can also type a hexadecimal RGB value (for example, 0xff0000) to specify a color.

Data type: String

Texture Foreground Color Page Report, Web Report, Library Component Specifies the foreground color of the texture, when you set Fill Type of the element to "texture". Choose a color from the drop-down list, or select Custom to customize a color in the Pick a Color dialog box. You can also type a hexadecimal RGB value (for example, 0xff0000) to specify a color.

Data type: String

Texture Style Page Report, Web Report, Library Component Specifies the style of the texture to fill the element, when you set Fill Type of the element to "texture". Choose an option from the drop-down list.

Data type: Enumeration

Data (not available to organization chart)
For heat map
Color by Logarithm Page Report, Web Report, Library Component Specifies whether to calculate the color-by summary based on logarithm function. Choose an option from the drop-down list:
  • none
    Select to return the real value of the field instead of any logarithmic value.
  • log x
    Select to get the logarithm of the field with base 10.
  • ln x
    Select to get the logarithm of the field with base e.

Data type: String

Size by Logarithm Page Report, Web Report, Library Component Specifies whether to calculate the size-by summary based on logarithm function. Choose an option from the drop-down list:
  • none
    Select to return the real value of the field instead of any logarithmic value.
  • log x
    Select to get the logarithm of the field with base 10.
  • ln x
    Select to get the logarithm of the field with base e.

Data type: String

For other chart types
Category Data Mapping File Page Report, Web Report, Library Component Specifies the data mapping file (without the locale part) you want to apply to the category values of the chart for NLS use. For example, if the data mapping file is, type Product in the value cell.

Data type: String

Category End Offset Page Report, Web Report, Library Component Specifies the end offset of the category values.

Data type: Integer

Category Format Page Report, Web Report, Library Component Specifies the data format in which you want to display labels on the category axis of the chart. Select Ellipsis button in the value cell to specify the format in the Data Format dialog box.

Data type: String

Category Range Data Mapping File Page Report, Web Report, Library Component Specifies the data mapping file you want to apply to the special group values that display in the range of the category axis in the chart for NLS use. For example, if the data mapping file name is, type Product (without the locale part) in the value cell.

Data type: String

Category Start Offset Page Report, Web Report, Library Component Specifies the start offset of the category values.

Data type: Integer

Category Value Encoding Page Report, Web Report, Library Component Specifies the encoding format for the category values. Choose an option from the drop-down list.

Data type: String

Hint Percent Format Page Report, Web Report, Library Component Specifies the format for percent values in the static data labels and in the data marker hint of the chart. Select Ellipsis button in the value cell to specify the format in the Data Format dialog box.

Data type: String

Hint Value Format Page Report, Web Report, Library Component Specifies the format for values in the static data labels and in the data marker hint of the chart. Select Ellipsis button in the value cell to specify the format in the Data Format dialog box.

Data type: String

Hyperlink Query Page Report, Web Report, Library Component Specifies the hyperlink that refers to another report or a website you want to add to data markers of the chart. Type the URL of the report or website in the value cell.

Data type: String

Hyperlink Target Query Page Report, Web Report, Library Component Specifies the target window or frame to display the content that you define via the Hyperlink property. Choose an option from the drop-down list.

Data type: String

Motion Bar Format Page Report, Web Report, Library Component Specifies the data format in which you want to display the motion field values on the motion bar. Select Ellipsis button in the value cell to specify the format in the Data Format dialog box.

Data type: String

Overall Series Page Report, Web Report, Library Component Specifies whether to calculate the top or bottom N categories based on series.

Data type: Boolean

Note icon Designer does not provide this property for bubble charts.

Primary Data Format Page Report, Web Report, Library Component Specifies the data format in which you want to display labels on the primary value axis (the Y axis) of the chart. Select Ellipsis button in the value cell to specify the format in the Data Format dialog box.

Data type: String

Reverse Category Page Report, Web Report, Library Component Specifies whether to reverse the sequence of the categories in the chart.

Data type: Boolean

Reverse Series Page Report, Web Report, Library Component Specifies whether to reverse the sequence of the data series in the chart.

Data type: Boolean

Note icon Designer does not provide this property for bubble charts.

Secondary Data Format Page Report, Web Report, Library Component Specifies the data format in which you want to display labels on the secondary value axis (the Y2 axis) of the combo chart. Select Ellipsis button in the value cell to specify the format in the Data Format dialog box.

Data type: String

Series Data Mapping File Page Report, Web Report, Library Component Specifies the data mapping file (without the locale part) you want to apply to the series values of the chart for NLS use. For example, if the data mapping file is, type Product in the value cell.

Data type: String

Note icon Designer does not provide this property for bubble charts.

Series End Offset Page Report, Web Report, Library Component Specifies the end offset of the series values.

Data type: Integer

Note icon Designer does not provide this property for bubble charts.

Series Format Page Report, Web Report, Library Component Specifies the data format in which you want to display labels on the series axis of the chart. Select Ellipsis button in the value cell to specify the format in the Data Format dialog box.

Data type: String

Note icon Designer does not provide this property for bubble charts.

Series Start Offset Page Report, Web Report, Library Component Specifies the start offset of the series values.

Data type: Integer

Note icon Designer does not provide this property for bubble charts.

Series Value Encoding Page Report, Web Report, Library Component Specifies the encoding format for the series values. Choose an option from the drop-down list.

Data type: String

Note icon Designer does not provide this property for bubble charts.

Sort Category Page Report, Web Report, Library Component Specifies the order of the categories in the chart. Choose an option from the drop-down list.

Data type: Enumeration

Sort Series Page Report, Web Report, Library Component Specifies the order of the data series in the chart. Choose an option from the drop-down list.

Data type: Enumeration

Note icon Designer does not provide this property for bubble charts.

Swap Groups Page Report, Web Report, Library Component Specifies whether to swap groups of the chart. When you set this property to "true":
  • If the chart contains fields on all axes, data switch takes place between fields on the category and series axes.
  • If the chart contains one field on the category axis and several on the value axis, data switch takes place between fields on the category and value axes.
  • If the chart has only one field on the category axis and one on the value axis, no data switch takes place on the two axes.

Data type: Boolean

Note icon Designer does not provide this property for bubble charts.

X Hyperlink Query Page Report, Web Report, Library Component Specifies the hyperlink that refers to another report or a website you want to add to the category axis labels of the chart. Type the URL of the report or website in the value cell.

Data type: String

X Hyperlink Target Query Page Report, Web Report, Library Component Specifies the target window or frame to display the content that you define via the X Hyperlink property. Choose an option from the drop-down list.

Data type: String

Z Hyperlink Query Page Report, Web Report, Library Component Specifies the hyperlink that refers to another report or a website you want to add to the series axis labels of the chart. Type the URL of the report or website in the value cell.

Data type: String

Z Hyperlink Target Query Page Report, Web Report, Library Component Specifies the target window or frame to display the content that you define via the Z Hyperlink property. Choose an option from the drop-down list.

Data type: String

External CSS Class Selector Query Page Report Specifies the name of the Class Selector for the object in the HTML output.

Data type: String

External ID Query Page Report This property is mapped to the HTML attribute id, as specified by

Data type: String

External Title Query Page Report This property is mapped to the HTML attribute title, as specified by

Data type: String

LongDesc Query Page Report This property is mapped to the HTML attribute longdesc, as specified by

Data type: String

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Hyperlink, X Hyperlink, Z Hyperlink

You can use these properties to add a hyperlink that refers to another report or a website, to the chart data markers and labels on the category and series axes. For chart in a page report, you can also control the hyperlink with a formula, which is a good way to get data from another report.

For example, you have two reports, ReportA and ReportB, in the catalog. In ReportA, you group the data in a banded object by customer country and use a bar chart to display the count of Customer_ID in every group. ReportB shows the information of customer, such as ID, Name, and Annual Sales. Then you want to build a link between the two reports to get this result at runtime: run ReportA and select the bar of a country, then ReportB displays showing the data of the specific country only. To achieve the goal, take these steps:

  1. In Designer, open ReportA.cls.
  2. Create a formula, Link_b. For example:

    string t="http://localhost:8888/jinfonet/tryView.jsp?&";
    string t1="jrs.param$PCOUNTRY=";
    string url=t+t1+"@INNER"+"&jrs.result_type=1";
    return url

    The following are some tips for you when creating the formula to control the hyperlink properties:

    • You need to make sure that the paths of the catalog and the report in the URL correspond with their paths on Server. For more information about how to create the URL, see Running Reports via URL in the Logi Report Server Guide.
    • You can use the built-in parameter INNER to represent the category values, and OUTER for series values.
    • When you want to use the formula to control the X HyperLink and Z HyperLink properties, you can use @XDIM and @ZDIM respectively instead of @INNER and @OUTER.
  3. In the Report Inspector, set Hyperlink of the chart object to Link_b.
  4. Select the target window or frame to display the linked report from the value drop-down list of the Hyperlink Target property.
    1. <Server Setting>
      Select to load the linked content according to setting on Server: for page report, it is specified by the Pop Up New Window for Links option in the Profile > Configure Profile > Page Report Studio > Properties > Default tab; for web report and library component, by the Target of Detail Table Report and Links option in the Profile > Configure Profile > Web Report Studio > Properties tab.
    2. New Window
      Select to load the linked content into a new window. The window is not named.
    3. Whole Window
      Select to load the linked content into the full browser window.
    4. Same Frame
      Select to load the linked content into the same frame as the link.
    5. Parent Frame
      Select to load the linked content into the parent frame of the frame that contains the link.
    6. Other Frame
      Select to load the linked content into some other specified frame. Type the name of the frame you have defined in the value cell. If the frame name does not exist, Server loads the linked content into a new window.
  5. Publish the two reports with the catalog to Server.
  6. Run ReportA in Page Report Studio.
  7. Point to a bar and select it. ReportB displays showing data of the specified country.
  8. View the information of the other countries by selecting the corresponding bars in ReportA.

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  • After setting the Hyperlink, X Hyperlink, or Z Hyperlink property for a chart, if you also add another link to the data markers, the category axis, or series axis of the chart using the Link feature, the link has higher priority over the hyperlink on the same chart element.
  • Users can select the chart elements to open the specified hyperlinks at runtime only when you do not edit the default Click Priority setting of the report (the link action has the highest priority by default).

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Category Start Offset, Category End Offset, Series Start Offset, and Series End Offset.

You can use the four properties to control the range of data you want to display in a chart. For example, when a chart has 12 categories (the category field of the chart contains 12 values), you can set Category Start Offset to 3 and Category End Offset to 8 to display the categories on the X axis from the third category to the eighth.

The range of the property values can be an integer between 0 and (number of the categories/series – 1). When the value you specify is out of this range, Designer applies the following rules:

If Then
Start Offset < 0 Start Offset = 0
Start Offset > maximum data number Start Offset = maximum data number
End Offset < 0 End Offset = maximum data number
End Offset > maximum data number End Offset = maximum data number
Start Offset > End Offset and End Offset >=0 Start Offset = 0, End Offset = maximum data number

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  • If you set the value to be less than 0, Designer displays the categories or series without any offset.
  • If you set the values to be greater than 0 and the value of Category/Series Start Offset is greater than that of Category/Series End Offset, Designer displays all categories or series.

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