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Sending Commands to Logi Report Server from Java

You can send commands to Logi Report Server to either shut it down or pop up the user interactive interface for administration, after you start Server as a standalone server. This topic describes the commands and properties.

Logi Report has automatically generated the batch file CmdSender.bat for you so that you do not have to write a complicated command line.

You can send commands through the class jet.server.CommandSender. The full command is:

JAVA -classpath <classpath> -Djava.compiler=NONE [-Dreporthome=<install_root>] jet.server.CommandSender [-s:server -p:port] -w:password [-?]|admin|shutdown|gc|(local:on|off)

  • -?
    Print brief help message.
  • -Djava.compiler=NONE
    This is without JIT. This property is optional. However, if you encounter problems running the server and you think that they relate to the Java VM, you can try turning off the JIT compiler and then running again.
  • -Dreporthome
    This is where you installed Logi Report Server. You need to provide this property only when you do not run the command from the local host on which Logi Report Server is running.
  • -Dpoperror=true
    Set -Dpoperror=true if you want Server to display a message with the error information when an error occurs. By default, Server does not display the error message.
  • -Classpath
    The classpath must include the following packages originally in your <install_root>\lib: JRESServlets.jar; JREntServer.jar.
  • -s:server
    Host name on which Logi Report Server is running.
  • -p:port
    The port on which Logi Report Server is running. The default value is 8888.
  • -w:password
    Password of the administrator, for example: -w:admin.
  • admin
    A command that you send to Server to access the user interactive interface for administering Logi Report Server.
  • shutdown
    A command that you send to Server to shut it down.
  • local:on
    A command that you send to Server to only accept the administration commands from the local machine.
  • local:off
    A command that you send to Server to accept administration commands from anywhere.
  • gc
    A command that you send to Server asking the JVM to schedule the Java Garbage Collector.

Note iconYou will use some of the common options in the later topics. In addition, Logi Report has automatically generated the batch file CmdSender.bat for you so that you do not have to write a complicated command line.

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