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Running Server Monitor with Tomcat 9.0.68

This topic describes how you can run Server Monitor with Tomcat 9.0.68.

Assume that:

  • You installed Server Monitor to C:\LogiReport\Monitor.
  • You installed Tomcat to C:\tomcat.

Step 1: Configuring Tomcat

  1. Build the Server Monitor WAR file using the makewar.bat/ utility in the C:\LogiReport\Monitor\bin folder. Server Monitor generates the WAR file monitor.war to the folder C:\LogiReport\Monitor\bin\distribute.
  2. Set JAVA_HOME in the batch file catalina.bat in C:\tomcat\bin. For example, use C:\jdk1.8.0.

    rem $Id: catalina.bat,v 1.29 2020/09/08 19:51:31 patrickl Exp $
    rem ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
    set JAVA_HOME=C:\jdk1.8.0
    rem Guess CATALINA_HOME if not defined
    if not "%CATALINA_HOME%" == "" goto gotHome

  3. Modify catalina.bat again to set the Java system variable, for example,

    if not "%SECURITY_POLICY_FILE%" == "" goto doSecurity
    -classpath "%CLASSPATH%"

  4. Copy the WAR file monitor.war to C:\tomcat\webapps.
  5. Copy rmi.auth from <server_install_root>\bin of the admin Server (the Server you want to monitor) to C:\LogiReport\Monitor\bin.
  6. Enable RMI service for remote connection by setting the property server.rmiserver.enable=true in in <server_intall_root>\bin.
  7. Start the admin Server.

Step 2 : Launching Tomcat

  1. Start Tomcat using C:\tomcat\bin\startup.
  2. Load the default page of Server Monitor using http://hostname:8080/monitor or http://hostname:8080/monitor/monitor/index.jsp.
  3. If you install the admin Server and Server Monitor in different computers, you need to specify the right host and port of the admin Server in Server Monitor side via the following two properties in in C:\LogiReport\Monitor\bin before starting Tomcat:

    • = The RMI host name or IP address of the admin Server.
    • admin.server.port = The RMI port number of the admin Server.

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