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Deploying Server to Tomcat 9.0.68

This topic describes how you can deploy Logi Report Server to Tomcat 9.0.68.

Note icon Logi Report Server does not support Tomcat 10.

We use paths based on UNIX path name protocol in our example. The instruction applies to both UNIX and Windows installation. However, the path formats differ. For Windows it is in this format C:\LogiReport\Server instead of /opt/LogiReport/Server.

Assume that:

  • You installed Tomcat 9.0.68 in the /opt/apache-tomcat directory.
  • The Logi Report Server WAR file jreport.war is in the /opt/LogiReport/Server/bin/distribute directory. To create the WAR file, see Building a WAR/EAR File to Include a Self-contained Logi Report Server.

    Note icon When you set unpackWARs="false" in server.xml in the conf folder of Tomcat, you need to do the following:

    1. Modify the file in /opt/LogiReport/Server/bin before you create the WAR:
      • Remove the code packages = com.jinfonet.util.
      • Replace JRRollingFileAppender with RollingFile in the file.
      • Replace JRPatternLayout with PatternLayout in the file.
    2. Add the -Djbossas7=true parameter when launching makewar.bat/.sh to build the WAR.

      makewar.bat -Djbossas7=true

    3. Move log4j-api-2.17.2.jar and log4j-core-2.17.2.jar from jreport.war > WEB-INF > lib to the lib folder of Tomcat. See the note concerning Log4J Vulnerability.

To deploy Logi Report Server to Tomcat 9.0.68:

  1. Shut down Tomcat.
  2. Copy jreport.war to /opt/apache-tomcat/webapps.
  3. When running on Java 9 you need to additionally add the arguments in java.option in $REPORTHOME/bin to in $CATALINA_HOME/bin.
  4. Start Tomcat by running the script file
  5. Access Logi Report Server using either URL:

    http://hostname:8080/jreport/jrserver http://hostname:8080/jreport/jinfonet/index.jsp

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If you run into problems when using Logi Report Server in Tomcat, you may have to send your log files of Logi Report Server to Customer Service:

  1. Modify the file in /opt/apache-tomcat/bin, by adding -Dlogall=true after the report home definition:


    Or if no report home is specified, add this:


  2. Start Tomcat.
  3. To get information about the Logi Report Server environment, you can access http://hostname:8080/jreport/admin/info.jsp?cmd=info.
  4. Save the output to a file.
  5. After reproducing the problem, send Customer Service the log files in reporthome/logs.

    The Tomcat log files may also help to identify the problem. The most useful one is /opt/apache-tomcat/logs/catalina.out.

Log4J Vulnerability Notice

Critical iconIn the second week of December 2021, a Log4j vulnerability was announced that may affect some customers using our products. Resolving/mitigating this issue is a high priority! We will continue to issue information to help you with this vulnerability. For more information, see Statement on Log4j and Log4Net Vulnerabilities.

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