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Deploying Server to Resin 4.0.66

This topic describes how you can deploy Logi Report Server to Resin 4.0.66.

We use paths based on UNIX path name protocol in our example. The instruction applies to both UNIX and Windows installation. However, the path formats differ. For Windows it is in this format C:\LogiReport\Server instead of /opt/LogiReport/Server.

Assume that:

To deploy Logi Report Server to Resin 4.0.66:

  1. Generate the password.

    Generate Password

  2. Modify in /opt/resin/conf. Set remote_admin_enable to true and add the generated password.

    Set Remote_admin_enable

  3. Enable the commands that allow administrators and programmers to perform debugging and monitoring tasks on the remote Resin server using command line.

    By default, these commands are disabled. To enable them, register ManagerService in the resin.xml file. Since the default resin.xml already includes a <resin:AdminAuthenticator> with a <resin:import>, you can just reuse the admin configuration from the /resin-admin page.

    Enable Command

  4. Start Resin by running the start script in /opt/resin/bin.
  5. Sign in to the Resin Administration Console with the specified username and password using the URL http://localhost:8080/resin-admin/index.php.
  6. In the deploy tab, select Browse to select the file jreport.war.
  7. In the Name text box, type jreport.
  8. Select Deploy.
  9. Access Logi Report Server using the following URLs:


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If you run into problems when using Logi Report Server in Resin, you may have to send the log files of Logi Report Server to Customer Service. The following procedure illustrates how to generate the log files:

  1. Modify the file in /opt/resin/bin by adding -Dlogall=true after the reporthome definition:

    "$JAVA" $JAVA_OPTS \
    -classpath "$RESIN_CLASSPATH" -Dreporthome=/opt/LogiReport/Server \
    -Dlogall=true \
    org.resin.Main "$@"

  2. Run the modified to start Resin.
  3. After reproducing the problem, send the log files in reporthome/logs to Customer Service.

    The Resin log files may also help identify the problem. The most useful one is /opt/Resin/server/default/log/server.log.

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