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Deploying Server to Jetty

This topic describes how you can deploy Logi Report Server to Jetty.

We use paths based on UNIX path name protocol in our example. The instruction applies to both UNIX and Windows installation. However, the path formats differ. For Windows it is in this format C:\LogiReport\Server instead of /opt/LogiReport/Server.

Assume that the Logi Report Server WAR file jreport.war is in the /opt/LogiReport/Server/bin/distribute directory. To create the WAR file, see Building a WAR/EAR File to Include a Self-contained Logi Report Server.

Note icon Logi Report Server does not support Jetty 11.

To deploy Logi Report Server to Jetty 9.4.49:

  1. Add jreport.war to the /opt/Jetty9.4.49/demo_base/webapps directory.
  2. Start Jetty using the command java -jar /start.jar. If your Logi Report uses JDK 9 or above, you need to start Jetty using the command java @/opt/LogiReport/Server/bin/java.option -jar ../start.jar instead.
  3. Access Logi Report Server using either URL:


To deploy Logi Report Server to Jetty 10.0.12:

  1. Create a directory in Jetty for Logi Report Server.

    $ export JETTY_HOME=/path/to/jetty-home
    $ mkdir /path/to/jetty-base
    $ cd /path/to/jetty-base

    $ java -jar $JETTY_HOME/start.jar --add-module=server,http,deploy

  2. Add a module LogiReport.mod

    $ cd $JETTY_HOME/modules
    $ vi ./LogiReport.mod

    with the contents (an example):

    logi Report Server Web Application

  3. Add jreport.war to the /path/to/jetty-base/webapps folder.

  4. Run the command to deploy the WAR:

    $JAVA_HOME/java @/opt/LogiReport/Server/bin/java.option  -jar $JETTY_HOME/start.jar  --add-module=LogiReport

    Note icon You should specify the path of java.option when Logi Report uses JDK 9 or higher.

  5. Start the Jetty server.

    $JAVA_HOME/java @/opt/LogiReport/Server/bin/java.option  -jar $JETTY_HOME/start.jar

    Note icon You should specify the path of java.option when using JDK 9 or higher.

  6. Access Logi Report Server using either URL:


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