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Add Parameter Dialog Box Properties

You can use the Add Parameter dialog box to add a local parameter to a report. This topic describes the properties in the dialog box.

Server displays the dialog box when you select the Toggle to Parameter button Enter Parameter Values button in the Edit Dataset Filter dialog box or Filter dialog box, select the triangle button on the left, and then select <Add Parameter…>.

Add Parameter dialog box


Specify the name of the parameter.

Value Setting

Select the parameter type.

  • Type-in Parameter
    Select if you want to predefine parameter values by typing manually.
  • Bind with Single Column
    Select if you want to bind the parameter with a DBField. Server retrieves the DBField values as the parameter values.
  • Bind with Cascading Columns
    Select if you want to create a group of cascading parameters to filter parameters with parameters in an easy way.

Value Type

Select the data type of the parameter when it is a type-in parameter.


The section after Value Type varies with Value Setting.

  • For Type-in Parameter
    • Value List
      Server lists the parameter values you predefined.
    • Prompt Values [format hint]
      Predefine the parameter values. The [format hint] shows what the predefined values should look like.

      All the prompt values must be of the same data type as the Value Type.

      • Add button Add button
        Select to add a value line. Click the value line and type a value. If the parameter is of Date, DateTime, or Time type, you can also select the Calendar icon to set a date and time value using the calendar.
      • Delete button Remove button
        Select to remove the selected value.
      • Move Up button Move Up button
        Select to move the selected value higher in the list.
      • Move Down button Move Down button
        Select to move the selected value lower in the list.
  • For Bind with Single Column
    • Source
      Select the business view in the current data source that retrieves data to the parameter.
    • Bind Column
      Select the group or detail object in the selected business view that you want to bind with the parameter.
    • Display Column
      Select the group or detail object in the selected business view whose values you want to display as the parameter values.
  • For Bind with Cascading Columns
    • Source
      Select the business view in the current data source that retrieves data to the parameter.
    • Value List
      Define a group of cascading parameters.
      • Add button Add button
        Select to add a new parameter.
      • Delete button Remove button
        Select to remove the selected parameter.
      • Move Up button Move Up button
        Select to move the selected parameter higher in the list. The higher the position is, the higher the parameter level is. The higher-level parameter values control the lower-level parameter values.
      • Move Down button Move Down button
        Select to move the selected parameter lower in the list.
      • Bind Column
        Select the group or detail object in the selected business view you want to bind with the parameter.
      • Display Column
        Select the group or detail object in the selected business view whose values you want to display as the parameter values.
      • Parameter
        Select if you want to create a parameter based on a pair of Bind Column and Display Column in a line. The parameter becomes a member of the cascading parameter group. Logi Report creates all parameters in the cascading group as independent parameters.

        By default, the name of a cascading parameter is [Parameter Name]-[Bind Column name].


Specify the properties of the parameter, which vary with Value Setting.

  • Prompt Text
    Type the text for prompting users to provide the parameter value.


    • To help users avoid typing a value out of range, you can add the value range to the end of the prompt text. For example, "Type a customer ID (1~100):".
    • To help users avoid typing a value in a wrong pattern, you can add the value pattern to the end of the prompt text. For example, "Type an order date (MMM-dd-yy):".
  • Minimum Value/Length
    Specify the minimum value of the parameter. If the parameter value type is String, this property name is Minimum Length, which means that you can set the minimum length of the string.
  • Maximum Value/Length
    Specify the maximum value of the parameter. If the parameter value type is String, this property name is Maximum Length, which means that you can set the maximum length of the string.
  • String Encoding
    Specify the encoding for the parameter values. This property is available when the parameter's data type is String.
  • User Defined Format
    You can define your preferred format when Logi Report value formats cannot meet your requirement. Once you define the value format, all the values supplied for the parameter at runtime should be based on it, otherwise you will get an error message.

    Pay attention to the following when using user defined formats for parameter values:

    • The date and time formats should follow the JDK standard.
    • The user defined format shows different appearance under different locale, and you need input values according to the display format. For example, under the Spanish or French locale, ####.## displays as #0,##, and you should follow #0,## to input values.
    • The user defined format only controls the format of the input values, which does not mean that the display values are in the same format. To change the display format of a parameter, you need to specify the Format property of this parameter in the Inspector panel.
    • Decimal number format syntax:
      0A digit 
      *A digit. Zero shows as a star.Cannot mix 0, *, and _ in the same format.
      _A digit. Zero shows as a space.Cannot mix 0, *, and _ in the same format.
      #A digit. Zero shows as blank. The actual number might be much larger than the format provided.
      .Placeholder for decimal separator. It might be a comma in some locales.  
      ,Placeholder for grouping delimiter. It might be a period in some locales. Show the interval to be used.
      ;Separate formatsPositive and negative.
      -If there is no explicit negative sign, - is prefixed."#,##0.00" -> "#,##0.00;(#,##0.00)"
      %Divide by 100 and show as a percentage 
      XYou can use any other characters in the prefix or suffix. 
    • String format syntax:
      %Any string of zero or more characters.WHERE title LIKE '%computer%' finds all book titles with the word 'computer' anywhere in the book title.
      _ (underscore)Any single character.WHERE au_fname LIKE '_ean' finds all four-letter first names that end with ean (such as Dean and Sean).
      [ ]Any single character within the specified range ([a-f]) or set ([abcdef]).WHERE au_lname LIKE '[C-P]arsen' finds author last names ending with arsen and beginning with any single character between C and P, for example Carsen, Larsen, and Karsen.
      [^]Any single character not within the specified range ([^a-f]) or set ([^abcdef]). WHERE au_lname LIKE 'de[^l]%' finds all author last names beginning with de and where the following letter is not l.
  • Required
    Select true if you want to treat the parameter as a required parameter. You must supply a value for a required parameter before a report run. When it is false, Server treats the parameter as an optional parameter. You can leave an optional parameter blank.

    In the dialog box for specifying the parameter value, Server marks the prompt text of a required parameter with an asterisk (*).

    Note icon If the parameter is optional, and you do not expect it to take effect in your report, when specifying the parameter value, clear the contents in the value text box. Any value in the value text box will function in reports.

  • Hide Parameter When Single Value Returned
    You see this property when the parameter is bound with a column. Select true if you do not want to specify the parameter value at runtime when it has only one value. Server uses the only value as the default value of the parameter.
  • Allow Multiple Values
    Select true if if you want to specify multiple parameter values for the parameter.
  • Enable the "All Values" Option
    Server activates this property when the Allow Multiple Values property is true. Its default value is true, which displays All Values in the dialog box for specifying multiple values for the parameter.
  • Treat Blank as Null
    This property is available only when the parameter's data type is String. Select true if you want the parameter value which is empty to be null instead of "".
  • Use Current Date-Time
    This property is available only when the parameter's data type is Date, Time, or DateTime. Select true if you want to use the current date time in your system as the parameter value.
  • Use Current Date-Time When Blank
    This property is available only when the parameter's data type is Date, Time, or DateTime. Select true if you want to use the current date time in your system as the parameter value when the value is blank.

    If the parameter value type is Date, Time, or DateTime, you can choose whether to get the parameter value dynamically from the system date time by enabling one of the two properties - Use Current Date-Time or Use Current Date-Time When Blank. However, you need to make sure your system's DateTime format is yyyy-MM-dd H:mm:ss as it is the only format Logi Report supports. Otherwise, you need to make use of the User Defined Parameter Format feature. Also, if you enable one of the two properties, you need to provide the parameter's prompt value according to the data type of your parameter.

    • When the data type of the parameter is Date, you can specify the value according to the format yyyy-MM-dd.
      • yyyy-01-01: Year will change dynamically.
      • 2007-MM-01: Month will change dynamically.
      • 2007-01-dd: Date will change dynamically.
      • yyyy-MM-01: Year and month will change dynamically.
      • yyyy-01-dd: Year and date will change dynamically.
      • yyyy-MM-dd: Year, month, and date will change dynamically.
      • 2007-MM-dd: Month and date will change dynamically.
    • When the data type of the parameter is Time, you can specify the value according to the format H:mm:ss.
      • H:00:00: Hour will change dynamically.
      • 12:mm:00: Minute will change dynamically.
      • 12:00:ss: Second will change dynamically.
      • H:mm:00: Hour and minute will change dynamically.
      • 12:mm:ss: Minute and second will change dynamically.
      • H:00:ss: Hour and second will change dynamically.
      • H:mm:ss: Hour, minute, and second will change dynamically.
    • When the data type of the parameter is DateTime, specify the value in a combination of the preceding two formats.
  • Sort
    Server displays this property if you bind the parameter with a column. You can use it to sort the parameter values.
    • Ascend
      Select to sort the parameter values in ascending order.
    • Descend
      Select to sort the parameter values in descending order.
    • No Sort
      Select to display the parameter values in their original order as in the database.
    • Sort By
      Select to open the Custom Sort dialog box if you want to sort the parameter values by sorting the values of other fields.
  • Distinct
    Select true if you want repeated values to display only once in the UI for specifying the parameter value.
  • Allow Type-in of Value
    Select true if you want to type values in addition to selecting values when specifying the parameter value. Server enables this property for Type-in Parameter by default.
  • When Out of Value Range
    Specify how you want to respond if the typed value is out of the predefined value list when the Allow Type-in of Value property is true.
    • Adopt directly
      Select if you want to use the typed value directly.
    • Use default
      Select if you want to use the default value that you defined when creating the parameter.
    • Warn
      Select if you want to display a warning message saying that "Value xxx is out of the available value list".

    Note icon For a multi-valued parameter, if one of the input values is not in the value list, Server treats the whole input result as out of range.

  • Get Value from API Only
    Select true if you only want to specify the parameter value by API such as URLs, coding, and sessions. In this case, Logi Report does not display any parameter dialog boxes for specifying values.

    When it is false, you can specify the parameter value using both UI and API.

    If a member of a cascading parameter group can only get values from API, all the higher-level members shall get values from API only. This also applies to parameters on which other parameters depend. If in JDashboard several parameters share values, when any of them can only get values from API, they will share the values from API.

  • On Parameter Value Change
    Select a formula from the value list that defines an action you want to call when the parameter value changes. You call the action before the other actions defined in the report or library component. It can work as a parameter value validation rule.
  • Encrypt Parameter Value
    Select true if you want to encrypt the parameter value in the UI where the parameter displays (excluding parameter control and parameter form control) and in log files. However, when the parameter is bound with a column or when its Allow Multiple Values property is true, Server only encrypts its values in log files.

    Note icon When writing the value of a formula or string that references a parameter to log, Server might not encrypt the parameter value.

  • Allow Showing Unencrypted Value
    Server activates this property when Encrypt Parameter Value is true. Set it to true if you want to display Hide Parameter Value in the UI of specifying the parameter value so that you can view the encrypted parameter values when needed.


Select to add a parameter in the report and exit the dialog box.


Select to close the dialog box without adding a parameter.

Help button Help button

Select to view information about the dialog box.

Close button Close button

Select to close the dialog box without adding a parameter.

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