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Introduction to the Logi Report JDashboard Logi Report Server v19.2

JDashboard delivers interactive data visualization and analysis to users. This topic describes library components, the edit mode, and the view mode of JDashboard.

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  • JDashboard is in maintenance mode, and we will not be adding new features to it. If you need more information, contact Customer Service.
  • You need a JDashboard license to use JDashboard. For more product information, including new purchases and upgrades, contact US Sales or UK Sales.

As an integrated component of Logi Report’s embedded analytics and reporting platform, JDashboard displays rich visualizations of your data using the vast library of charting elements such as maps, crosstabs, tables, and even live motion charts. With JDashboard, you can take data exploration to the next level by creating interactive views of business performance. Furthermore, JDashboard is responsive to any size of browsers on any mobile devices. The same dashboard can render differently depending on the device or screen size without you manually resizing it. While for mobile devices using iOS, to run dashboards on the mobile browser you need to make sure the iOS version is up to the latest.

Library components are the basic members in dashboards for presenting data via intuitive components. Report designers create library components using Logi Report Designer, and then publish them to Logi Report Server for use when creating or modifying dashboards. With pre-built library components, users can freely choose the objects they want to display in the dashboard, without having to know things such as how to create these objects, what data sources to use, and what styles to set. You can add multiple library components in a dashboard so that you are able to see multiple data aspects when viewing the dashboard. Within a dashboard, library components can communicate with each other via the message mechanism. In this way, you can apply actions such as common filters to all the components of a dashboard even when they come from different data sources. In addition, JDashboard uses predefined containers for holding objects in dashboards. It is easy to move objects around and resize them.

For data components created using business views in web reports and page reports, you can also add them in dashboards directly. When you do this, JDashboard converts them into library components automatically. Therefore, you can reuse report components in dashboards directly without having to create library components of the same contents.

JDashboard has two working modes: edit mode and view mode. The edit mode presents full functionality and the view mode just serves for viewing purposes without any editing abilities. When you access JDashboard by creating new dashboards, you will enter the edit mode; when you run existing dashboards, which mode you enter depends on the way you use to run the dashboards.

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You can create or run dashboards directly from your application using URL commands. For more information, see Working with Dashboards via URL.

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