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Tour of the Java API

This tour is a high-level survey of the Logi Report Server Java API. This topic describes the set of APIs to help you narrow down the scope when you need to use Server for a particular task.

The Server Java API classes provide thousands of methods, each having a Javadoc entry describing the method and parameters. This topic categorizes the Java API classes by functionality, making it easier to find specific methods to use for particular situations. Each functional area shows the class or interface name and has a general description. Following that is a list of common methods and other information.

To access the complete Java API documentation, go to <install_root>\help\api; to get the referenced sample code, go to <install_root>\help\samples.

This topic contains the following sections:

Initializing and Connecting to Logi Report Server

Every program that uses Logi Report Server Java API must start with calls to ensure an instance of the server is running, and then obtain a handle to the server for use in later API calls.

  • Class: jet.server.api.http.HttpUtil - This class provides a variety of utilities for programs running within a Java Servlet container.

Additionally, the two most commonly used methods of the Java API are in this class. These two methods must be called by any program that wants to use Logi Report Server in order to initialize and connect to Logi Report Server. These will still be used by programs that run outside a servlet container.

  • Method: HttpUtil.initEnv() - Initialize and start the singleton Logi Report Server running on the machine which all programs will access.
  • Method: HttpUtil.getHttpRptServer() - Connect to the running Logi Report Server and return a handle to the server to use in future API calls.

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Every web application must manage access control, identity of a visitor, permissions for a visitor, and maintain this across multiple HTTP Requests that define the web session for the user.

Logi Report Server provides built-in methods for doing this based on a protocol using HTTP Authentication and query parameters to pass in signed-in credentials. The security mechanism includes a framework system that enables developers to write code to co-operate with Logi Report Server's built-in system so that existing applications can provide the security functionality.

  • Control access to web pages
    • Class: jet.server.api.http.HttpUtil - This class provides a variety of utilities for programs running within a Java Servlet container.
      • Method: HttpUtil.checkLogin() - This method only returns when a validated Logi Report user signs in to the web session. If a user already signed in, it returns true. If not, it tries to validate and sign in a user based on credentials in the current HTTP request. If no signed-in user can be identified, it will send a response to the browser to perform an HTTP Authentication to obtain credentials, using the browser signing in dialog box form. The credentials are sent back to the same JSP page in the next HTTP Request.
    • Class: jet.server.api.http.HttpUserSessionManager - This class provides methods that help to create and manage the UserSession associated with a signed-in user.
      • Method: HttpUserSessionManager.checkLogin() - Indicate if a validated Logi Report user signed in to the web session. If no user signed in, it tries to validate and sign in a user based on credentials in the current HTTP request. It does not automatically send a response to the browser to perform an HTTP Authentication.
      • Method: HttpUserSessionManager.sendUnauthorizedResponse() - Send an Unauthorized response (HTTP 401) to the browser, which initiates a HTTP Authentication process to obtain signing in credentials from the next HTTP Request.
    • Sample code: APISecurity\LoginLogout\loginIndex.jsp - Entry point page for a group of JSP pages that exercise these two versions of checkLogin() to demonstrate how they work. Read the comments in the JSP files.
    • Network security: Using the checkLogin() system for controlling access to the web pages is not an airtight security protocol because signing in credentials in the HTTP Request are in an insecure stream. If this system is used for production outside a firewall, the network should be secure with URLs to the web pages using https (SSL) instead of http. Secure Socket Layer (SSL) can be easily configured in the Logi Report Server Console.
  • Single Sign-on (SSO) - Access control to the Logi Report web pages is based on signing in to the Logi Report web session with a username and password. In the standard setup, Logi Report Server will pop up the signing in dialog box on the first attempt to run a Logi Report web page in a session. This should not happen when a signed-in application user does their first attempt to run a Logi Report web page. Logi Report Server provides a framework to allow SSO, to avoid this experience. When you turn on SSO, Logi Report will just ask the application for the current username and not challenge the user.
    • Interface: jet.server.api.http.HttpExternalAuthorized. This Java interface defines a class that developers can write and deploy within Logi Report Server that co-operates with the checkLogin() methods that control access to web pages.

      This Java interface defines a protocol for the application to tell Logi Report Server that a user already signed in to the application's web session so that checkLogin() will sign in that user to Logi Report Server. It also has a protocol for asking the application to handle the case where no user signed in, so that the application can direct the user to the application's signing in workflow. This enables the application to provide the single place where a user signs in to the web application. This also prevents checkLogin() from using the HTTP Authentication process.

      To turn on SSO, compile and deploy the implementation of this Java interface as a jar, and configure Logi Report Server to use it.

    • Methods:
      • HttpExternalAuthorized.getExternalAuthorizedUser() - Return the Logi Report User ID (username) for the user who signed in to the web session.
      • HttpExternalAuthorized.handleUnauthorizedRequest() - Build a response to send to the browser redirecting the user to the application signing in page, and return true to tell Logi Report Server to use that response, instead of the HTTP 401 Unauthorized response.
    • Sample code: APISecurity\SingleSignOn\ - Example implementation of the interface. Read comments in the source for detailed explanations on the application security model it uses.

      This implementation is perfect for deploying using the command line method of registering it with Logi Report Server, or when using a servlet to register it with Logi Report Server by making an API call. Because of limitations in the JSP parser, it is not usable as the class to use when registering it with Logi Report Server using a JSP page to make the API call.

    • Sample code: APISecurity\SingleSignOn\com\example\ - Example implementation of the interface. Read comments in the source for detailed explanations on the application security model it uses.

      This implementation is written as a package with a multi-tier package name. This can be registered with Logi Report Server as the implementation in all possible cases, include from code in a JSP page that calls an API.

    • Turning on SSO - Logi Report Server uses SSO when you registered the implementation class of the Java interface with it.
      • Register in command line
        Set a system property in the command line that starts up your application or Logi Report Server. The property jrs.httpExternalAuthorized should be set to the name of the implementation class. For example, use -Djrs.httpExternalAuthorized=CustomHttpExternalAuthorized when starting the Java JVM for the application containing the JSP pages that call checkLogin().
      • Register with Java API call
        • Class: jet.server.api.http.HttpUserSessionManager - This class provides methods that manage the UserSession associated with a signed-in user.
        • Method: HttpUserSessionManager.setHttpExternalAuthorized() - Turn on SSO by setting the class instance object to use for HttpExternalAuthorized. When you use a null value as the class instance to set, this turns off SSO.
        • Sample code: APISecurity\SingleSignOn\ - Example of a servlet that sets the ExternalAuthorized using the Java API call.
      • Where to turn on SSO
        You should turn on SSO for the JVM where the JSP pages are running. If the application and Logi Report JSP pages are running on a web server with Logi Report Server installed on a dedicated back end server, You should turn on SSO in the web server computer. Logi Report handles properly SSO access control to the web pages for the HTTP requests, while access to the back end Logi Report Server will be over RMI, which does not use the checkLogin() or SSO for access control.
    • Sample code: APISecurity\SingleSignOn\customIndex.jsp - Entry point JSP page to a group of JSP pages that demonstrate how SSO works. Read comments in the JSP page to learn more about the demonstration.
  • Authentication - This Java interface defines a class that developers can write that replaces the built-in user validation system of Logi Report. Even when using SSO, the system will check that the user is valid in Logi Report so it can determine if the credentials identify a registered user. This Java interface is called to check if the user is valid. A custom implementation can use local DBMS data or the application's data to validate the user. Another option rather than to authenticate with Logi Report's built-in system is to authenticate directly to an LDAP or Active Directory service.
    • Interface:
    • Method: isValidUser()
    • Sample code: APISecurity\
  • Authorization - This built-in package provides methods for determining authorization rights to resources based on the user's user id, group and role that have been defined by the administrator. Permissions to resources can be placed on any of the 3 levels, user, group, or role, but role is the preferred method as it is standard for Java applications and provides you with more flexibility as individual users change jobs while roles are stable for long periods of time.
    • Class: jet.server.api.Authenticator
    • Methods: 
      • isValidUser()
      • isPermissionOK()
      • isValidAdminUser()
  • Custom Authorization - This Java interface defines a class that developers can implement to replace the built-in Authorization (Authenticator) class. After a user has been validated as a registered Logi Report User, there is still the question if the user can do the operation requested against the target resource. Methods in this Java interface will be called to determine if the user has permission to do a given action against a given report resource. You can implement your own method for making this decision.
    • Interface:
    • Method: isBasePermissionOk()
    • Sample code: - APISecurity\
  • Add/Modify/Delete Roles/Groups/Users - This built-in package enables an application to build a system to synchronize their internal system for managing user identity with Logi Report Server's DBMS of user identity. By default, users are added to Logi Report Server manually using the Server Console or by synchronizing with an LDAP service. This package provides a third way, enabling you to add the users, groups and roles into Logi Report Server by making API calls so that you can utilize Logi Report Server's built-in authorization, including permissions to resources and row level and column level security. Since users, groups and roles are in the Logi Report Server DBMS developers are sometimes tempted to directly update the DBMS tables but this is highly discouraged. Since a running Logi Report Server caches the security information, the server ignores any updates not using the API until it restarts.
    • Class: jet.server.api.admin.SecurityAdminService
    • Methods: 
      • addRole()
      • addGroup()
      • addUser()
    • Sample code: APISecurity\AddPrincipal\,,

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Event Framework - Task Listener

Logi Report Server uses an event framework model that enables the application to provide methods that are called at various points in the processing of requests in Logi Report Server. These include calls to methods before a report is run, after the parameters are entered by the user to validate the parameters or generate new derived parameters, and after a report is run to log information. Using these methods, you can keep detailed logs of information about the report in addition to the logging information that Logi Report provides.

This Java interface defines a class that developers can implement and deploy to provide actions tied to processing events happening.

  • Interface: jet.server.api.TaskListener
  • Methods:
    • beforeRun
    • afterRun
    • validateParameter
  • Sample code: APITaskListener\

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Engine API

Logi Report Engine enables you to run reports directly in your application without connecting to a Logi Report Server instance. As long as you do not need the Logi Report Server features such as Page Report Studio, security and scheduling then this is an efficient way to embed reporting into your application.

  • Class: jet.server.api.engine.ReportEngine
  • Methods: 
    • ReportEngineFactory.getInstance - Create a report server bean.
    • setReportHome - There are a number of required set methods to set reporthome, catalog, report name, and other information.
    • exportToPDF - There are a number of export methods available for each type of export
    • runReport - Run the report and produce a Logi Report rst file that you can use to export to a user viewable report.
  • Sample code: APIServer\

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This Java interface defines an implementation you can build to provide your own methods to do data mapping and text replacement. The implementation that is provided by Logi Report Server works out of the box, but can be changed easily.

  • Interface: jet.util.NLSBundleInfo
  • Method: NLSBundleInfo
  • Sample code: APINLS\

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Resource Management

The ResourceManager class provides methods to control all aspects of deploying resources to the server and managing resources that are already deployed. Resources include folders, catalogs, reports, and library components.

It does not include publishing reports to the version system which are handled by jet.server.api.RptServer.

When resources are deployed, the application can set the permissions at the same time. Folder permissions are automatically applied to all contents deployed into the folder unless explicitly overridden.

  • Class: jet.server.api.ResourceManager
    • Intention: Publish


      • createFolder()
      • addResource()
      • addResourcesToFolder()
    • Intention: Security


      • getAuthenticator().checkPrivilege()
      • checkBasePermission()
    • Intention: Delete


      • removeNode()
      • removeVersion()
    • Intention: List


      • getReportsInPath()
      • getResultsInPath()
  • Sample code: APIServer\

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Trigger Manager API

The TriggerManager class enables the application code to fire a trigger that will start running the scheduled tasks waiting on the trigger.

  • Class: jet.server.api.TriggerManager
  • Methods: 
    • subScheduledTask()
    • fire()
  • Sample code: APIServer\

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Run Report - RptServer API

This RptServer class is at the core of Logi Report Server. Although it is documented as a Java interface, it is not intended to be replaced by a custom implementation built by developers. This section will talk about it as a Java class. The class provides methods to start and stop Logi Report Server, to get information about deployed resources and to run and schedule reports. You can also save reports as resources using these methods.

See the section earlier in this topic about initialization and connecting to the Report Server to see that an instance of this class, or the subclass HttpRptServer, is needed by an application program before any other API methods may be called.

  • Class: jet.server.api.RptServer
  • Methods: 
    • runReport() - Run on-demand report
    • exportResult() - Export to one or more export types such as PDF and HTML.
  • Sample code: APIServer\

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This class is used by programs that want to interface to an SMTP server to export reports to email as attachments or as embedded reports in the email body.

  • Sample code: APIServer\

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Remote File Service

This class is used by client programs that run a report on a remote Logi Report Server but then want the generated exported output such as PDF or Excel file to be available to open locally on the client computer.

  • Class: jet.server.api.RemoteReportServerToolkit
  • Methods: 
    • getRemoteFileService()
    • copyFromRemote()
  • Sample code: APIRemoteServer\

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Remote Method Invocation - RMI

This class is used by programs that need to request reports to run on a remote server and to copy the reports to the local system. The report can be run asynchronously when using the timeout option. Programs written to access RptServer or RemoteRptServer are identical except for initialization so it is easy to write an application that tries to connect remotely before starting a local RptServer.

  • Class: jet.server.api.rmi.RemoteReportServerToolkit
  • Methods: 
    • getRemoteRptServer()
    • runTask()
    • getResourceManager()
    • getRemoteFileService()
  • Sample code: APIRemoteServer\,,

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Schedule Report Using RptServer

This class enables programs to add, modify and delete schedules based on time or triggers.

  • Class: jet.server.api.RptServer
  • Method: submitScheduledTask() - Run scheduled report task
  • Sample code: APIServer\ and APIRemoteServer\

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Remote Cluster Dispatcher

The RemoteDispatcher class enables the user's remote application to determine the load balance algorithm, and remotely dispatch reports to be run on specified servers.

  • Class: jet.server.api.rmi.RemoteDispatcher
  • Method: RemoteDispatcher()
  • Sample code: APICluster\

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The Cluster class provides methods to enable the user to build their own algorithm for balancing server loads by assigning new reports to run onto the server you want.

  • Class: jet.server.api.cluster.LoadBalancer
  • Methods:
    • LoadBalancer()
    • selectMember()
  • Sample code: APICluster\

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Server Configuration

This enables applications to configure the server similar to the Logi Report Server Console. For programming examples use the actual JSP pages under public_html\admin.

See the package jet.server.api.admin.cfg.

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Server Monitor

Logi Report Server Monitor is a client application that can be downloaded for free from the Logi Report downloads page. It enables you to monitor activity on a single server or on an entire group of servers in a cluster. The API can be used to start and stop servers as well as configure properties on them remotely.

See the package jet.server.api.monitor.

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Server Profiling

This is used by Logi Report Server to implement Server Monitor. It enables your application to catch the same types of resource use as Server Monitor using JMX technology.

See the package jet.server.api.profiling.

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Server Cached Report Data (CRD)

This is similar to scheduling of reports. The application can schedule just the cached report data and have it available for any number of reports to use it. Often it is for datasets that many reports might need such as month end sales reports.

See the package jet.server.api.crd.

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