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KPI Chart Paper Properties

This topic describes the properties of the Chart Paper object in a KPI chart.

Property Name Description
Height Specifies the height of the object. Type a numeric value to change the height.

Data type: Float

Width Specifies the width of the object. Type a numeric value to change the width.

Data type: Float

X Specifies the horizontal coordinate of the object's top left corner, relative to its parent container. Type a numeric value to change the coordinate.

Data type: Float

Y Specifies the vertical coordinate of the object's top left corner, relative to its parent container. Type a numeric value to change the coordinate.

Data type: Float

Class Specifies the name of the Class Selector to apply to the object, which you define in the CSS file of the style the report applies.

For example, if you define the CSS file as follows:

@charset "GBK";
TextField {Background: #ff0000}
TextField[Style="LabelX"]{Background: #0000FF}
TextField#W{Background: #FFFF00}
TextField.C{Background: #00FFFF}

To apply the Class Selector in the file to the object, type C in the value cell.

Data type: String

Style Specifies the style you want to apply to the object. You can specify the style in two ways:
  • Type the style which should be an Attribute Selector whose attribute is "style" in the CSS file of the style the report applies. For example, to apply the style in the preceding sample CSS file to the object, type LabelX in the value cell.
  • Choose a style from the drop-down list if you have specified the Style Group property for the web report and there are styles in the style group that are applicable to the object.

Data type: String

Coordinate Paper
Graph Position Specifies the position of the data markers relative to the chart paper. Choose an option from the drop-down list.

Data type: Enumeration

Reverse Painting Order Specifies whether to reverse the display order of the data markers in a combo chart.

Data type: Boolean

Scale X Specifies the percentage for elongating or shortening the X axis. Type a numeric value to change the percentage.

Data type: Float

Scale Y Specifies the percentage for elongating or shortening the Y axis. Type a numeric value to change the percentage.

Data type: Float

Shadow Contents Specifies whether to add a drop shadow effect to data markers of the chart.

Data type: Boolean

Background (for customizing fill pattern of the chart paper)
Border Color Specifies the color for the border of the element. Choose a color from the drop-down list, or select Custom to customize a color in the Pick a Color dialog box. You can also type a hexadecimal RGB value (for example, 0xff0000) to specify a color.

Data type: String

Border End Caps Specifies the ending style for the border of the element. Choose an option from the drop-down list.
  • butt
    Select to end unclosed subpaths and dash segments with no added decoration.
  • round
    Select to end unclosed subpaths and dash segments with a round decoration that has a radius equal to half of the line width.
  • square
    Select to end unclosed subpaths and dash segments with a square projection that extends beyond the end of the segment to a distance equal to half of the line width.

Data type: Enumeration

Border Joint Specifies the joint style for the border of the element. Choose an option from the drop-down list.
  • miter
    Select to join path segments by extending their outside edges until they meet.
  • round
    Select to join path segments by rounding off the corner at a radius of half the line width.
  • bevel
    Select to join path segments by connecting the outer corners of their wide outlines with a straight segment.

Data type: Enumeration

Border Outlined Specifies whether to use outline path for the border of the element. Default is to apply fill path.

Data type: Boolean

Border Style Specifies the line style for the border of the element. Choose an option from the drop-down list.

Data type: Enumeration

Border Thickness Specifies the width for the border of the element. Type a numeric value to change the thickness.

Data type: Float

Border Transparency Specifies the transparency for the border of the element, in percent. Type a numeric value to change the transparency.

Data type: Integer

Border Type Specifies the type for the border of the element.
  • none
    Select if you do not want to show the border.
  • raised
    Select to show 3-D border that appears as if it is raised off the page.
  • recess
    Select to show 3-D border that appears as if it is pressed into the page.
  • shadow
    Select to show two shadowed borders, beneath and to the right of the object.
  • solid
    Select to use single-line border.

Data type: Enumeration

Border Variable Dash Specifies whether to resize the dash automatically when you select a dash line style for Border Style. Default is to apply fixed dash size.

Data type: Boolean

Color Specifies the color to fill the element, when you set Fill Type of the element to "color". Choose a color from the drop-down list, or select Custom to customize a color in the Pick a Color dialog box. You can also type a hexadecimal RGB value (for example, 0xff0000) to specify a color.

Data type: String

Fill Transparency Specifies the transparency for the fill pattern of the element, in percent. Type a numeric value to change the transparency.

Data type: Integer

Fill Type Specifies how you want to fill the element, by color, texture, gradient, or image, or not to fill it. Choose an option from the drop-down list.

Data type: Enumeration

Gradient End Color Specifies the ending color of the gradient, when you set Fill Type of the element to "gradient". Choose a color from the drop-down list, or select Custom to customize a color in the Pick a Color dialog box. You can also type a hexadecimal RGB value (for example, 0xff0000) to specify a color.

Data type: String

Gradient End X Specifies the horizontal position where the gradient ends when you set Fill Type of the element to "gradient", measured in a percentage of the element's width or the width of the inset in the element if you define an inset, from the left edge of the element or inset.

Data type: Integer

Gradient End Y Specifies the vertical position where the gradient ends when you set Fill Type of the element to "gradient", measured in a percentage of the element's height or the height of the inset in the element if you define an inset, from the bottom edge of the element or inset.

Data type: Integer

Gradient Start Color Specifies the starting color of the gradient, when you set Fill Type of the element to "gradient". Choose a color from the drop-down list, or select Custom to customize a color in the Pick a Color dialog box. You can also type a hexadecimal RGB value (for example, 0xff0000) to specify a color.

Data type: String

Gradient Start X Specifies the horizontal position where the gradient begins when you set Fill Type of the element to "gradient", measured in a percentage of the element's width or the width of the inset in the element if you define an inset, from the left edge of the element or inset.

Data type: Integer

Gradient Start Y Specifies the vertical position where the gradient begins when you set Fill Type of the element to "gradient", measured in a percentage of the element's height or the height of the inset in the element if you define an inset, from the bottom edge of the element or inset.

Data type: Integer

Gradient Style Specifies the style of the gradient to fill the element, when you set Fill Type of the element to "gradient". Choose an option from the drop-down list.

Data type: Enumeration

Image File Specifies the file name of the image, a portion of which you want to use to fill the element, when you set Fill Type of the element to "image". Type the file name with suffix in the value cell. If the image is outside the current catalog, you should include the full path of the image correctly.

Data type: String

Image Height You can use the four properties, Image Height, Image Width, Image X, and Image Y, to define a portion of an image (the portion is a rectangle) to fill the element, when you set Fill Type of the element to "image".

Image Height specifies the height of the portion, measured in a percentage of the image's height.

Data type: Integer

Image Layout Specifies the layout of the image portion to fill the element, when you set Fill Type of the element to "image". Choose an option from the drop-down list.
  • tile
    Select to repeat the image portion to fill the element.
  • center
    Select to display the image portion in the center of the element.
  • scaled
    Select to stretch the image portion to cover the entire element.

Data type: Enumeration

Image Width You can use the four properties, Image Height, Image Width, Image X, and Image Y, to define a portion of an image (the portion is a rectangle) to fill the element, when you set Fill Type of the element to "image".

Image Width specifies the width of the portion, measured in a percentage of the image's width.

Data type: Integer

Image X You can use the four properties, Image Height, Image Width, Image X, and Image Y, to define a portion of an image (the portion is a rectangle) to fill the element, when you set Fill Type of the element to "image".

Image X specifies the left position of the portion, measured in a percentage of the image's width, from the left edge of the image.

Data type: Integer

Image Y You can use the four properties, Image Height, Image Width, Image X, and Image Y, to define a portion of an image (the portion is a rectangle) to fill the element, when you set Fill Type of the element to "image".

Image Y specifies the top position of the portion, measured in a percentage of the image's height, from the bottom edge of the image.

Data type: Integer

Inset Bottom You can use the four properties, Inset Bottom, Inset Left, Inset Right, and Inset Top, to define an inset in the element and fill the inset instead of the entire element.

Inset Bottom specifies the bottom position of the inset, measured in a percentage of the element's height, from the bottom edge of the element.

Data type: Float

Inset Left You can use the four properties, Inset Bottom, Inset Left, Inset Right, and Inset Top, to define an inset in the element and fill the inset instead of the entire element.

Inset Left specifies the left position of the inset, measured in a percentage of the element's width, from the left edge of the element.

Data type: Float

Inset Right You can use the four properties, Inset Bottom, Inset Left, Inset Right, and Inset Top, to define an inset in the element and fill the inset instead of the entire element.

Inset Right specifies the right position of the inset, measured in a percentage of the element's width, from the right edge of the element.

Data type: Float

Inset Top You can use the four properties, Inset Bottom, Inset Left, Inset Right, and Inset Top, to define an inset in the element and fill the inset instead of the entire element.

Inset Top specifies the top position of the inset, measured in a percentage of the element's height, from the top edge of the element.

Data type: Float

Texture Background Color Specifies the background color of the texture, when you set Fill Type of the element to "texture". Choose a color from the drop-down list, or select Custom to customize a color in the Pick a Color dialog box. You can also type a hexadecimal RGB value (for example, 0xff0000) to specify a color.

Data type: String

Texture Foreground Color Specifies the foreground color of the texture, when you set Fill Type of the element to "texture". Choose a color from the drop-down list, or select Custom to customize a color in the Pick a Color dialog box. You can also type a hexadecimal RGB value (for example, 0xff0000) to specify a color.

Data type: String

Texture Style Specifies the style of the texture to fill the element, when you set Fill Type of the element to "texture". Choose an option from the drop-down list.

Data type: Enumeration

Graph (not available to bullet charts; for customizing data markers in the chart paper)
Note icon For a combo chart, the graph properties apply to the corresponding chart types respectively.
Depth Designer enables this property when you set Use Depth to "true". You can use it to specify the 3-dimensional depth effect of the data markers, in pixels.

Data type: Float

Direction Designer enables this property when you set Use Depth to "true". You can use it to specify the direction of the depth, in degrees.

Data type: Float

Update Direction Designer displays this property for a real time chart. You can use it to specify the direction in which to paint the values when the chart is updated at runtime. Choose an option from the drop-down list.
  • Default
    Select to paint the values from top to bottom for a bench chart, or from right to left for other chart types.
  • Reverse
    Select to paint the values from bottom to top for a bench chart, or from left to right for other chart types.

Data type: Enumeration

Use Depth Specifies whether to add a 3-dimensional effect to data markers of the chart.

Data type: Boolean

Category Name Designer enables this property when you set Customize Category and Series Names to "true". You can use it to specify the name of the category field you want to display in the data marker hint. If you leave the property value blank, there is no name label for the category value in the hint.

Data type: String

Chart Value Names Designer enables this property when you set Customize Chart Value Names to "true". You can use it to specify the names for the fields on the value axis that you want to display in the hint. Select Ellipsis button in the value cell to customize the names in the Customize Chart Value Names dialog box to help users better understand the values.

Data type: String

Color Specifies the color to fill the element, when you set Fill Type of the element to "color". Choose a color from the drop-down list, or select Custom to customize a color in the Pick a Color dialog box. You can also type a hexadecimal RGB value (for example, 0xff0000) to specify a color.

Data type: String

Customize Category and Series Names Specifies whether to use customized names for the category and series fields in the data marker hint. By default, Designer applies the display names of the fields in the hint to label the category and series values. You can set this property to "true" and customize the names via Category Name and Series Name to help users better understand the values.

Data type: Boolean

Note icon To apply customized category and series names in the data marker hint, you need to include them in the hint by selecting Show Category and Series in the format dialog box of the chart type.

Customize Chart Value Names Specifies whether to use customized names for the fields on the value axis in the data marker hint. By default, Designer applies the display names of the fields in the hint to label the values. You can set this property to "true" and customize the names via Chart Value Names to help users better understand the values.

Data type: Boolean

Fill Transparency Specifies the transparency for the fill pattern of the element, in percent. Type a numeric value to change the transparency.

Data type: Integer

Fill Type Specifies how you want to fill the element, by color, texture, or gradient, or not to fill it. Choose an option from the drop-down list.

Data type: Enumeration

Font Effect Specifies the special effect of the hint text. Choose an option from the drop-down list.
  • none
    Select if you do not want to apply any special effect to the text.
  • embossed
    Select to make the text appear to be raised off the page in relief.
  • engraved
    Select to make the text appear to be imprinted or pressed into the page.
  • shadowed
    Select to add a shadow beneath and to the right of the text.
  • outlined
    Select to display the exterior border around each character of the text.
  • shadowed & outlined
    Select to add a shadow beneath and to the right of the text and display the exterior border around each character.

Data type: Enumeration

Font Face Specifies the font face of the hint text. Choose an option from the drop-down list.

Data type: Enumeration

Font Rotation Specifies the rotation angle of the hint text around its center, in degrees. Type a numeric value to change the rotation.

Data type: Float

Font Script Specifies to apply superscript or subscript formatting to the hint text, or neither of them. Choose an option from the drop-down list.

Data type: Enumeration

Font Shearing Specifies the shearing transformation of the hint text around its center. Type a numeric value to change the shearing.

Data type: Float

Font Size Specifies the font size of the hint text. Type an integer value to change the size.

Data type: Integer

Font Strikethrough Specifies the style of the line to draw through the hint text. Choose an option from the drop-down list.

Data type: Enumeration

Font Style Specifies the font style of the hint text. Choose an option from the drop-down list.

Data type: Enumeration

Font Underline Specifies the style of the horizontal line under the hint text. Choose an option from the drop-down list. "patterned line" or "bold patterned" draws a line or bold line in the pattern of the text.

Data type: Enumeration

Critical icon Web Report Studio and JDashboard do not support underlining chart text so this property will be ignored when the chart runs in Web Report Studio or is used in a dashboard.

Gradient End Color Specifies the ending color of the gradient, when you set Fill Type of the element to "gradient". Choose a color from the drop-down list, or select Custom to customize a color in the Pick a Color dialog box. You can also type a hexadecimal RGB value (for example, 0xff0000) to specify a color.

Data type: String

Gradient End X Specifies the horizontal position where the gradient ends when you set Fill Type of the element to "gradient", measured in a percentage of the element's width, from the left edge of the element.

Data type: Integer

Gradient End Y Specifies the vertical position where the gradient ends when you set Fill Type of the element to "gradient", measured in a percentage of the element's height, from the bottom edge of the element.

Data type: Integer

Gradient Start Color Specifies the starting color of the gradient, when you set Fill Type of the element to "gradient". Choose a color from the drop-down list, or select Custom to customize a color in the Pick a Color dialog box. You can also type a hexadecimal RGB value (for example, 0xff0000) to specify a color.

Data type: String

Gradient Start X Specifies the horizontal position where the gradient begins when you set Fill Type of the element to "gradient", measured in a percentage of the element's width, from the left edge of the element.

Data type: Integer

Gradient Start Y Specifies the vertical position where the gradient begins when you set Fill Type of the element to "gradient", measured in a percentage of the element's height, from the bottom edge of the element.

Data type: Integer

Gradient Style Specifies the style of the gradient to fill the element, when you set Fill Type of the element to "gradient". Choose an option from the drop-down list.

Data type: Enumeration

Outline Color Specifies the color of the text outline, when you set Font Effect to "outlined" or "shadowed & outlined". Choose a color from the drop-down list, or select Custom to customize a color in the Pick a Color dialog box. You can also type a hexadecimal RGB value (for example, 0xff0000) to specify a color.

Data type: String

Outline End Caps Specifies the ending style of the text outline, when you set Font Effect to "outlined" or "shadowed & outlined". Choose an option from the drop-down list.
  • butt
    Select to end unclosed subpaths and dash segments with no added decoration.
  • round
    Select to end unclosed subpaths and dash segments with a round decoration that has a radius equal to half of the line width.
  • square
    Select to end unclosed subpaths and dash segments with a square projection that extends beyond the end of the segment to a distance equal to half of the line width.

Data type: Enumeration

Outline Joint Specifies the joint style of the text outline, when you set Font Effect to "outlined" or "shadowed & outlined". Choose an option from the drop-down list.
  • miter
    Select to join path segments by extending their outside edges until they meet.
  • round
    Select to join path segments by rounding off the corner at a radius of half the line width.
  • bevel
    Select to join path segments by connecting the outer corners of their wide outlines with a straight segment.

Data type: Enumeration

Outline Outlined Specifies whether to use outline path for the text outline, when you set Font Effect to "outlined" or "shadowed & outlined". Default is to apply fill path.

Data type: Boolean

Outline Style Specifies the style of the text outline, when you set Font Effect to "outlined" or "shadowed & outlined". Choose an option from the drop-down list.

Data type: Enumeration

Outline Thickness Specifies the width of the text outline, when you set Font Effect to "outlined" or "shadowed & outlined". Type a numeric value to change the thickness.

Data type: Float

Outline Transparency Specifies the transparency of the text outline, when you set Font Effect to "outlined" or "shadowed & outlined". Type a numeric value to change the transparency.

Data type: Integer

Outline Variable Dash Specifies whether to resize the dash automatically when you select a dash line style for Outline Style. Default is to apply fixed dash size.

Data type: Boolean

Series Name Designer enables this property when you set Customize Category and Series Names to "true". You can use it to specify the name of the series field you want to display in the data marker hint. If you leave the property value blank, there is no name label for the series value in the hint.

Data type: String

Show Tips Specifies whether to show the hint that displays the value a data marker represents when you point to the data marker in Designer view mode, in HTML output, or at runtime. When this property is "false", Logi Report Engine ignores all the other hint properties.

Data type: Boolean

Texture Background Color Specifies the background color of the texture, when you set Fill Type of the element to "texture". Choose a color from the drop-down list, or select Custom to customize a color in the Pick a Color dialog box. You can also type a hexadecimal RGB value (for example, 0xff0000) to specify a color.

Data type: String

Texture Foreground Color Specifies the foreground color of the texture, when you set Fill Type of the element to "texture". Choose a color from the drop-down list, or select Custom to customize a color in the Pick a Color dialog box. You can also type a hexadecimal RGB value (for example, 0xff0000) to specify a color.

Data type: String

Texture Style Specifies the style of the texture to fill the element, when you set Fill Type of the element to "texture". Choose an option from the drop-down list.

Data type: Enumeration

Border Color Specifies the color for the border of the element. Choose a color from the drop-down list, or select Custom to customize a color in the Pick a Color dialog box. You can also type a hexadecimal RGB value (for example, 0xff0000) to specify a color.

Data type: String

Border End Caps Specifies the ending style for the border of the element. Choose an option from the drop-down list.
  • butt
    Select to end unclosed subpaths and dash segments with no added decoration.
  • round
    Select to end unclosed subpaths and dash segments with a round decoration that has a radius equal to half of the line width.
  • square
    Select to end unclosed subpaths and dash segments with a square projection that extends beyond the end of the segment to a distance equal to half of the line width.

Data type: Enumeration

Border Joint Specifies the joint style for the border of the element. Choose an option from the drop-down list.
  • miter
    Select to join path segments by extending their outside edges until they meet.
  • round
    Select to join path segments by rounding off the corner at a radius of half the line width.
  • bevel
    Select to join path segments by connecting the outer corners of their wide outlines with a straight segment.

Data type: Enumeration

Border Outlined Specifies whether to use outline path for the border of the element. Default is to apply fill path.

Data type: Boolean

Border Style Specifies the line style for the border of the element. Choose an option from the drop-down list.

Data type: Enumeration

Border Thickness Specifies the width for the border of the element. Type a numeric value to change the thickness.

Data type: Float

Border Transparency Specifies the transparency for the border of the element, in percent. Type a numeric value to change the transparency.

Data type: Integer

Border Variable Dash Specifies whether to resize the dash automatically when you select a dash line style for Border Style. Default is to apply fixed dash size.

Data type: Boolean

Bound Color Specifies the color to compound with the basic fill of the chart wall, when you set Bound Fill Type to "color". Choose a color from the drop-down list, or select Custom to customize a color in the Pick a Color dialog box. You can also type a hexadecimal RGB value (for example, 0xff0000) to specify a color.

Data type: String

Bound Fill Transparency Specifies the transparency for the pattern of the bound fill, in percent. Type a numeric value to change the transparency.

Data type: Integer

Bound Fill Type Specifies the pattern of the bound fill to compound with the basic fill of the chart wall, by color, texture, or gradient, or not to apply bound fill. Choose an option from the drop-down list.

Data type: Enumeration

Bound Gradient End Color Specifies the ending color of the bound gradient, when you set Bound Fill Type to "gradient". Choose a color from the drop-down list, or select Custom to customize a color in the Pick a Color dialog box. You can also type a hexadecimal RGB value (for example, 0xff0000) to specify a color.

Data type: String

Bound Gradient End X Specifies the horizontal position where the bound gradient ends when you set Bound Fill Type to "gradient", measured in a percentage of the chart wall's width, from the left edge of the wall.

Data type: Integer

Bound Gradient End Y Specifies the vertical position where the bound gradient ends when you set Bound Fill Type to "gradient", measured in a percentage of the chart wall's height, from the bottom edge of the wall.

Data type: Integer

Bound Gradient Start Color Specifies the starting color of the bound gradient, when you set Bound Fill Type to "gradient". Choose a color from the drop-down list, or select Custom to customize a color in the Pick a Color dialog box. You can also type a hexadecimal RGB value (for example, 0xff0000) to specify a color.

Data type: String

Bound Gradient Start X Specifies the horizontal position where the bound gradient begins when you set Bound Fill Type to "gradient", measured in a percentage of the chart wall's width, from the left edge of the wall.

Data type: Integer

Bound Gradient Style Specifies the vertical position where the bound gradient begins when you set Bound Fill Type to "gradient", measured in a percentage of the chart wall's height, from the bottom edge of the wall.

Data type: Integer

Bound Texture Background Color Specifies the style of the bound gradient to compound with the basic fill of the chart wall, when you set Bound Fill Type to "gradient". Choose an option from the drop-down list.

Data type: Enumeration

Bound Texture Foreground Color Specifies the background color of the bound texture when you set Bound Fill Type to "gradient". Choose a color from the drop-down list, or select Custom to customize a color in the Pick a Color dialog box. You can also type a hexadecimal RGB value (for example, 0xff0000) to specify a color.

Data type: String

Bound Texture Style Specifies the foreground color of the bound texture, when you set Bound Fill Type to "gradient". Choose a color from the drop-down list, or select Custom to customize a color in the Pick a Color dialog box. You can also type a hexadecimal RGB value (for example, 0xff0000) to specify a color.

Data type: String

Color Specifies the color to fill the element, when you set Fill Type of the element to "color". Choose a color from the drop-down list, or select Custom to customize a color in the Pick a Color dialog box. You can also type a hexadecimal RGB value (for example, 0xff0000) to specify a color.

Data type: String

Fill Transparency Specifies the transparency for the fill pattern of the element, in percent. Type a numeric value to change the transparency.

Data type: Integer

Fill Type Specifies how you want to fill the element, by color, texture, gradient, or image, or not to fill it. Choose an option from the drop-down list.

Data type: Enumeration

Gradient End Color Specifies the ending color of the gradient, when you set Fill Type of the element to "gradient". Choose a color from the drop-down list, or select Custom to customize a color in the Pick a Color dialog box. You can also type a hexadecimal RGB value (for example, 0xff0000) to specify a color.

Data type: String

Gradient End X Specifies the horizontal position where the gradient ends when you set Fill Type of the element to "gradient", measured in a percentage of the element's width, from the left edge of the element.

Data type: Integer

Gradient End Y Specifies the vertical position where the gradient ends when you set Fill Type of the element to "gradient", measured in a percentage of the element's height, from the bottom edge of the element.

Data type: Integer

Gradient Start Color Specifies the starting color of the gradient, when you set Fill Type of the element to "gradient". Choose a color from the drop-down list, or select Custom to customize a color in the Pick a Color dialog box. You can also type a hexadecimal RGB value (for example, 0xff0000) to specify a color.

Data type: String

Gradient Start X Specifies the horizontal position where the gradient begins when you set Fill Type of the element to "gradient", measured in a percentage of the element's width, from the left edge of the element.

Data type: Integer

Gradient Start Y Specifies the vertical position where the gradient begins when you set Fill Type of the element to "gradient", measured in a percentage of the element's height, from the bottom edge of the element.

Data type: Integer

Gradient Style Specifies the style of the gradient to fill the element, when you set Fill Type of the element to "gradient". Choose an option from the drop-down list.

Data type: Enumeration

Image File Specifies the file name of the image, a portion of which you want to use to fill the element, when you set Fill Type of the element to "image". Type the file name with suffix in the value cell. If the image is outside the current catalog, you should include the full path of the image correctly.

Data type: String

Image Height You can use the four properties, Image Height, Image Width, Image X, and Image Y, to define a portion of an image (the portion is a rectangle) to fill the element, when you set Fill Type of the element to "image".

Image Height specifies the height of the portion, measured in a percentage of the image's height.

Data type: Integer

Image Layout Specifies the layout of the image portion to fill the element, when you set Fill Type of the element to "image". Choose an option from the drop-down list.
  • tile
    Select to repeat the image portion to fill the element.
  • center
    Select to display the image portion in the center of the element.
  • scaled
    Select to stretch the image portion to cover the entire element.

Data type: Enumeration

Image Width You can use the four properties, Image Height, Image Width, Image X, and Image Y, to define a portion of an image (the portion is a rectangle) to fill the element, when you set Fill Type of the element to "image".

Image Width specifies the width of the portion, measured in a percentage of the image's width.

Data type: Integer

Image X You can use the four properties, Image Height, Image Width, Image X, and Image Y, to define a portion of an image (the portion is a rectangle) to fill the element, when you set Fill Type of the element to "image".

Image X specifies the left position of the portion, measured in a percentage of the image's width, from the left edge of the image.

Data type: Integer

Image Y You can use the four properties, Image Height, Image Width, Image X, and Image Y, to define a portion of an image (the portion is a rectangle) to fill the element, when you set Fill Type of the element to "image".

Image Y specifies the top position of the portion, measured in a percentage of the image's height, from the bottom edge of the image.

Data type: Integer

Show Wall Specifies whether to show the chart wall.

Data type: Boolean

Texture Background Color Specifies the background color of the texture, when you set Fill Type of the element to "texture". Choose a color from the drop-down list, or select Custom to customize a color in the Pick a Color dialog box. You can also type a hexadecimal RGB value (for example, 0xff0000) to specify a color.

Data type: String

Texture Foreground Color Specifies the foreground color of the texture, when you set Fill Type of the element to "texture". Choose a color from the drop-down list, or select Custom to customize a color in the Pick a Color dialog box. You can also type a hexadecimal RGB value (for example, 0xff0000) to specify a color.

Data type: String

Texture Style Specifies the style of the texture to fill the element, when you set Fill Type of the element to "texture". Choose an option from the drop-down list.

Data type: Enumeration

Threshold Line (available only to bar, bench, line, and area charts)
Fill Threshold1 Specifies whether to fill the first threshold area with a semi-transparent color of the threshold line.

Data type: Boolean

Fill Threshold2 Specifies whether to fill the second threshold area with a semi-transparent color of the threshold line.

Data type: Boolean

Fill Transparency Specifies the transparency of the threshold line colors, in percent. Type a numeric value to change the transparency.

Data type: Integer

Show Threshold Line1 Specifies whether to show the first threshold line.

Data type: Boolean

Show Threshold Line2 Specifies whether to show the second threshold line.

Data type: Boolean

Threshold Line Color1 Specifies the color of the first threshold line. Choose a color from the drop-down list, or select Custom to customize a color in the Pick a Color dialog box. You can also type a hexadecimal RGB value (for example, 0xff0000) to specify a color.

Data type: String

Threshold Line Color2 Specifies the color of the second threshold line. Choose a color from the drop-down list, or select Custom to customize a color in the Pick a Color dialog box. You can also type a hexadecimal RGB value (for example, 0xff0000) to specify a color.

Data type: String

Threshold Line Style Specifies the style of the threshold lines. Choose an option from the drop-down list.

A threshold line marks a specific data point. You can use it to compare the data series to see whether the data is higher or lower than this point. For example, if you want to see whether the production zones successfully accomplish their production tasks, you can set a threshold line to represent the goal output, and another to represent the lowest acceptable output quantity. By using the threshold lines, you can spot out the zones that are out of the range at a glance. For 3-D chart, the threshold line value is represented by a plane.

Designer provides two threshold line styles:

  • Style1
    This style uses two threshold areas (Threshold Line1 and Threshold Line2) to emphasize the data series that are higher than the first threshold line or lower than the second threshold line.
  • Style2
    This style uses a single threshold area (Threshold Line1) to emphasize the data series that are between the higher and the lower threshold lines.

Data type: Enumeration

Threshold Value1 Specifies the value for the first threshold line.

Data type: Float

Threshold Value2 Specifies the value for the second threshold line.

Data type: Float

Mean Line (available only to bar, bench, line, and area charts)
Color Specifies the color of the mean line. Choose a color from the drop-down list, or select Custom to customize a color in the Pick a Color dialog box. You can also type a hexadecimal RGB value (for example, 0xff0000) to specify a color.

Data type: String

Node Style Specifies the style of the nodes that represent the average values. Choose an option from the drop-down list.

Data type: Enumeration

Show Specifies whether to show a line that represents the average value of each category group.

Data type: Boolean

Type Specifies the type of the mean line. Choose an option from the drop-down list.

Data type: Enumeration

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