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Edit Parameter Dialog Box

You can use the Edit Parameter dialog box to edit the specified parameter. This topic describes the options in the dialog box.

Designer displays the Edit Parameter dialog box when you right-click a parameter and select Edit Parameter from the shortcut menu in the Catalog Manager or in the Data panel.

Edit Parameter dialog box

Designer displays these options:


This option shows the name of the parameter.

Value Setting

Select the parameter type.

  • Type-in Parameter
    Select this type if you want to predefine parameter values by typing manually.
  • Bind with Single Column
    Select this type if you want to bind DBField with the parameter so as to retrieve the values of the DBField as the parameter values.
  • Bind with Cascading Columns
    Select this type if you want to create a group of cascading parameters so as to achieve the function of filtering parameters with parameters in a simple way. Designer does not display this type when the parameter is in a catalog data source that contains only XML connections.

Value Type

Select the data type of the parameter.

Value section

Designer displays different options in the section after Value Type according to the type you select from the Value Setting drop-down list.

  • For Type-in Parameter
    • Value List
      This box lists the values that you predefine for the parameter.
      • Prompt Values [format hint]
        Specify the prompt values for the parameter. The [format hint] shows what the predefined values should look like.

        You can add more than one prompt value. All the prompt values must be of the same type as specified by Value Type.

      • Add button Add button
        Select to add a new prompt value to the list. Double-click in the value line to edit the value. If the parameter is of the Date, Time, or DateTime data type, you can also select Calendar button to set a date and time value from the calendar widget.
      • Trash Can button Remove button
        Select to delete the specified prompt value.
      • Move Up button Move Up button
        Select to move the specified value higher in the display sequence.
      • Move Down button Move Down button
        Select to move the specified value lower in the display sequence.
  • For Bind with Single Column
    • Data Source
      Select the data source from which to retrieve the DBFields that you can bind with the parameter.
    • Bind Column
      Select the DBFields to bind with the parameter.
      • Sort icon Sort icon
        Select to display the Sort drop-down menu to specify how to sort the DBFields in the drop-down list.
        • Ascending
          Select to sort the DBFields in the ascending order.
        • Descending
          Select to sort the DBFields in the descending order.
        • No Sort
          Select to keep the original order of the DBFields as in the database. It is the default order
      • Search iconSearch icon
        Select to open the search box to search for the required DBField. To start searching, type the text you want to search for in the search box and Designer lists the DBFields containing the matched text.

        You can use the following options in the search box:

        • More Search Option button Drop-down icon
          Select to list more search options.
          • Highlight All
            Select to highlight all the matched text.
          • Match Case
            Select to search for text that meets the case of the text you type.
          • Match Whole Word
            Select to search for text that looks the same as the text you type.
        • Close button Delete icon
          Select to close the search box and cancel the search.
      • Close buttonClose icon
        Select to close the drop-down list.
    • Display Column
      Select the DBField the values of which you want to display for specifying the parameter value at runtime.
      • Sort iconSort icon
        Select to display the Sort drop-down menu to specify how to sort the DBFields in the drop-down list: Ascending, Descending, or No Sort.
      • Search iconSearch icon
        Select to open the search box to search for the required DBField.
      • Close buttonClose icon
        Select to close the drop-down list.

    Note iconThe change of sort order for the DBFields in both the Bind Column and Display Column drop-down lists is a one-off action which Designer does not remember after you exit the dialog box, meaning, each time when you open the dialog box, Designer always applies No Sort to the DBFields in the drop-down lists.

  • For Bind with Cascading Columns
    • Data Source
      Select the data source from which to retrieve the DBFields that you can bind with the parameters.
    • Value List
      Specify a group of cascading parameters.
      • Add button Add button
        Select to add a new parameter.
      • Trash Can button Remove button
        Select to delete the specified parameter.
      • Move Up button Move Up button
        Select to move the specified parameter to a higher level. The higher position a parameter has, the higher level it gets. Values of the lower-level parameters are controlled by values of the higher-level parameters.
      • Move Down button Move Down button
        Select to move the specified parameter to a lower level.
      • Bind Column
        Select the DBField to bind with the parameter.
      • Display Column
        Select the DBField the values of which you want to display for specifying the parameter value at runtime.
      • Parameter
        Specify whether to set a group of Bind Column and Display Column as a parameter which becomes a member of the cascading parameter group.


You can specify options for the parameter in this box.


Select to apply your settings and close the dialog box.


Select to close the dialog box without saving any changes.


Select to view information about the dialog box.

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